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Awakening the Alpha Page 6
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She shook her head. “I don’t know. He was there before. Just staring up at the window.”
“Well, he’s gone now. I’ll walk you to work, then pick you up after. Tonight you can stay at my place.”
“I can’t. I’ll be late for work in the morning.”
“We’ll get up extra early. Until I find out who that is and what he wants, then I am not letting you stay here alone.”
She turned to him, her eyes fearful. “Does this have something to do with us? With Wolf Valley?”
Riley shook his head. “It would be hard not to put the two things together, but I honestly don’t know.” He hadn’t recognised the figure, but then he had only caught the back of him as he ran. If he had to hazard a guess, he would have said it could be Lance, but he couldn’t be sure. And why would Lance be here outside Natalie’s apartment?
Later he would talk to Kira and Cole and try to get any information he could from them about what was going on. He was sure things were about to take a turn for the worse again in Wolf Valley, although why Natalie was caught up in it, he didn’t know.
However, as he walked her to work, both of them deep in their own thoughts, he was beginning to think there was more to Natalie than he thought. There was a reason she had left Wolf Valley, and maybe it was time both of them laid their pasts out so they could work out exactly where their future lay.
Chapter Fourteen - Natalie
“It’s good to see you so happy,” Trudy repeated for the fifth time that day.
“You can keep on fishing for information, but I am not going to tell you anything.” Natalie was putting muffins in the oven. Straightening, feeling the tired ache in her muscles, she added, “This is the last bake. Then I am off home.”
“Your man not meeting you?” Trudy asked.
“He might be,” Natalie said evasively.
“I don’t know why you won’t tell me. You know enough about my sex life.”
“This is different, Trudy.” She washed her hands and then dried them, smiling weakly at Trudy. “I don’t know how to explain it. But he’s special.” How exactly did you explain the mating bond between two people to someone who had no idea that it even existed?
“Listen, I know it’s none of my business, but he makes you happy. Don’t be afraid of that.” Trudy patted Natalie’s shoulder. “And don’t take this the wrong way, but I know how to bake. Might not be as good as you, but if you want a day off, the place won’t fall apart.”
“You mean you don’t need me?” Natalie joked.
“You know I do. But why not take tomorrow off?” Trudy smiled weakly. “Look, I’ve played the field, but you know I would kill for a man who looks at me the way your man looks at you. I can see babies on the horizon for you two.”
“I’ve only just met Riley; it’s not as if I’m going to marry him tomorrow,” Natalie insisted, but of course, Trudy was right: where wolves and their bonded mates were concerned, wolf pups usually followed on very quickly. There was no need to be with someone for years just to make sure you hit it off before you had kids. It was already a foregone conclusion bonded mates would stay together long enough to raise kids, that part of the equation was well and truly solved.
“We’ll see. And listen, if I ever come into work looking like you do this morning, you take me by the shoulders and shake me until I wake up and see I’ve met Mr. Right.” Trudy went back through to the store, saying over her shoulder, “Because that is a Mr. Right face if ever I saw one.”
Natalie wanted to run to the restroom and check the mirror to see what exactly her Mr. Right face looked like, but she didn’t, opting to stay in the kitchen and get all her work done as quickly as possible.
It had nothing to do with the thought of not being able to wait to meet him again. Neither did it have anything to do with him wanting to show her where he lived; although that made her nesting instincts kick up a notch. There was no way she could raise a family here, not when their children would most definitely be wolves themselves.
No, once they had kids on the way they would have to move somewhere quieter, where they could grow up as she did, not having to hide who they were. Therefore, his house, wherever it was, seemed the best option.
“He’s here, Natalie,” Trudy called. “I think you can knock off early if you want. Nothing in the ovens, is there?”
“No. It’s all done; I was just putting everything away.” Natalie came out, wiping her hands dry. Sure enough, there was Riley, looking as handsome as ever.
“If he has a brother, you let me know. Or a friend, as long as he has the muscles and a cute smile, I’m not going to turn him down.” Trudy stared at Riley with open adoration.
“I’ll ask him for you.” Natalie kissed Trudy good-bye and then went out to join Riley.
“Hi there,” he said, taking her hand.
“Hello there, you.” Natalie turned to wave at Trudy, who was obviously imagining what it would be like to have a man like Riley. Natalie simply shook her head, but grinned all the same and then waved. “My boss is drooling. She wants to know if I can rustle up another man just like you for her. If only she knew how hard a good man is to find.”
“I haven’t always been a good man,” Riley said honestly, taking her by surprise.
Natalie fell silent. “I think today might be the day we tell each other all of our secrets. Do you?”
“I think that might be a good idea. Although first ... and I hope you don’t mind. But my brother and Kira are coming over, with Sol. They want to meet you, and I would like to show you off.”
“I’d like that.” She wanted the opportunity to speak to Kira, to tell her how sorry she was she hadn’t been there for her when her father died. “Although I am nervous.”
“I’ll be there for you. Every step. Always.” He pulled her into his strong arms and held her close; she tipped her head back and their lips met. Damn, he made her want him. Every part of her was screaming to go back to her place and make love, instead of going to his house and having to spend time with anyone other than him. His lips were soft, then more insistent, his hand going to the small of her back, and inching lower. Then he remembered where they were and pulled back, sighing. “I guess we should leave before I ravage you here right on this street.”
“I think you might be right.” She allowed him to help her into his truck, snatching one last brief kiss before he shut the door and ran around to the other side. Buckling her seatbelt, she tried to make her heart rate slow down and her breathing return to normal. Not easy when he got in next to her. Having him in such close proximity was almost too much.
“Ready?” he asked, switching on the engine.
“As I’ll ever be. It’s going to be weird mixing with people who can go wolf too. I have spent so many years hiding it from everyone.”
“That must have been hard.”
“It was. At first, at least. But then I came here to hide from who I was, so it became easier, second nature.” She looked out the window, ignoring his questioning stare; she didn’t want to go into it any deeper than that, not yet.
“After you meet my family, will you tell me why you ran away? I think it is more than about how Wolf Valley changed.”
“It’s all wrapped up in the same parcel.” Turning to him, she smiled softly. “Later. Now, tell me about your family.”
“Not much to tell. My sister married Hugo—he kind of caught her, long story.” He laughed. “She sure is happy. I couldn’t see exactly why before, but now I can. Having your mate in your life is the best feeling in the world.”
“I think I agree with you there.” Surprised at how natural it was being around him, she just hoped when they knew everything about each other they would feel the same way.
They drove through the foothills, heading towards the south side of the mountain. She watched all the houses pass by, surprised, since she hadn’t been out this way for years, that she still recognised old landmarks and could name the people who lived in the houses. Or at l
east those who used to live in them. Many of them were falling down, the people moved on.
“Here we go,” he said, turning off the road and heading up an overgrown track.
“Wait. Did you say this was where your parents lived?”
“Yes. My mom and dad lived here. We all did when I was very young. But then the alpha of Wolf Valley exiled my dad and we left town.”
Her heart raced and her face drained of blood as she went into shock. “You are Lionel Merric’s child?”
He turned to look at her, his face growing concerned at her accusation. “Yes. You knew him?”
“My dad did. I grew up hearing his name.”
“Because of what happened. I know. I can’t believe he was exiled; it made things unbearable for my mom.”
They had reached the house now. He was right, it was in a bad state of repair, but she could see where they had begun to replace the roof. The porch had been patched up too. Natalie had seen it when it was still in one piece; a few years after the Merrics had left, she couldn’t have been more than five or six, her dad had driven out here. They had sat for a while, her dad just staring at the house, his hands gripped around the steering wheel.
He had looked so old that day, but then he had been old. He hadn’t met her mom until they were both past their prime. It was why they had only had one child, Natalie. If they had been younger, they would have tried for a boy, an heir to Wolf Valley. But when it became obvious they were never going to have another child, her father had no choice but to agree to his power, and the honour of becoming the next alpha, to pass to his beta. It had all been arranged; it should all have been so simple. Until Lionel had betrayed the pack and his mate, by having an affair.
“Why didn’t you say before?” she asked.
“Would it have made a difference?” Riley asked, looking confused.
“I’m just surprised, under the circumstances, you kept it to yourself.”
“I don’t follow. The past is in the past.”
“I know.” She searched inside to see why she felt so upset. “I feel bad that you knew all this, knew our connection, and never told me.”
“What connection?”
“That you are Lionel’s son. You said Kira told you who I was.” It hurt her that he had kept it to himself. “Riley, my dad was the one who exiled your father.”
“Wait. Your dad was the alpha of Wolf Valley?”
How could he not have known? If Kira knew exactly who Natalie was and her connection to the town, why keep it to herself? Fara had done the same thing, kept this secret from him, but why?
“I had no idea.” Could she believe him, or was he a liar and a cheat, just like his father?
Chapter Fifteen - Riley
Her father was the man who was responsible for the Merric family leaving Wolf Valley, the man he had blamed all his life for their mom’s death. From what Natalie said, she took her dad’s side and thought that the alpha had done the right thing in exiling his dad. But that was hard to reconcile when all his life he believed his dad had been treated unfairly.
“But you said Kira told you. When you asked for my address.” Her voice held an accusation now. She thought he had been playing games.
“Why would I keep it to myself?” he asked
“That’s what I don’t understand. Maybe you thought it would be easier to break the news once we had slept together.” Tears welled in her eyes; she thought he had betrayed her, just as his dad had betrayed his mom all those years ago.
“No. Natalie.” He took her hand, thankful that she didn’t pull it away from him. “I never knew. Although, come to think of it, I did think Kira was keeping something to herself.” He shook his head. “Why didn’t she say?”
“I don’t know. I can’t believe she would do it to be hurtful. I mean, I know I wasn’t there for her when her father died. By then I had left and broken all ties with Wolf Valley. I didn’t find out until months later and then it seemed too late.”
He looked up as two trucks pulled onto the track, heading towards the house. “Here they are. I think it’s time to ask her in person.”
Sure enough, Kira was first out of the truck, although she hesitated before coming forward. Riley got out and came round to open the door for Natalie, helping her down, sensing her nerves at seeing her old friend. Kira looked from one to the other, smiling uneasily.
“You know?” she asked Riley.
“Yes.” He frowned at her, trying to read her expression; he always took Kira for being a good person. It was why the town had made her sheriff, after all. “Why didn’t you say?”
She shrugged. Cole came to stand beside her, and she looked at him a little sheepishly.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Cole,” Kira said, her breath shaky. “This is Natalie. She is the daughter of the old alpha.”
“Wait. Riley’s mate is the daughter of the man who exiled us?” he asked, his fists clenching at his sides.
Kira placed her hand on his arm. “Calm down, honey. It wasn’t Natalie’s fault, just the same as it wasn’t your fault. The past is the past.”
“But our mom died because of it.”
Natalie looked horrified. “I never knew. My dad never said. I am sorry.”
“Kira’s right. It’s not your fault.” Riley stepped forward, placing his hand on Cole’s chest, looking him square in the eye. “It ends here, Cole. The past is the past. We are not responsible; we all have our own opinions on what happened. But we weren’t there.”
“And we need to work together,” Hugo said coming up behind them with Bliss and Sol, who looked very interested in Natalie.
“Are you our new friend?” Sol asked.
“I hope so.” Natalie held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Sol.”
Sol giggled as he took her hand and shook it. “Cole said you make cakes. Do you have some for me?”
“Oh. I never thought to bring any. I’ll help you make some, though.” She looked at Riley. “You do have something we can bake with, right?”
“I’m sure we can find something.” But first he turned to Hugo. “Tell us first what you meant, about needing to work together.”
Kira spoke, her hand resting on her gun. “It appears the old sheriff isn’t ready to give in without a fight. He’s got some of the old biker gang together; they’ve been raiding farms on the other side of the valley. We have a bit of a storm brewing.”
“Now would be a good time to tell us you have discovered the power of the alpha.” Cole looked hopefully at Riley.
Riley shook his head. “I don’t feel any different.”
“What do you mean?” Natalie asked. “You thought you would be the next alpha? Why? Because you are the mate of the old alpha’s daughter, or because you are the son of the old beta?”
“Neither. Both. We don’t know,” Riley floundered.
“It was something Colin said.” Hugo stepped in to save Riley.
“What did he say?” Natalie asked.
“That the new alpha would be named soon.” Bliss stepped forward, her baby not yet showing but she glowed with happiness. Riley wanted to protect her, protect them all; he had hoped that the gift of being alpha would have been the key to ending all friction in Wolf Valley.
“And you thought it was you, Riley?” Natalie asked again.
“Only because Bliss and Cole have their mates and have nothing in the way of power. Which we guess the alpha would have.”
“It’s more subtle than that. My dad couldn’t just order people what to do. It was more of a way of asking people in the right way, of allowing them to see their true selves and how they hurt other people with their actions. He made them do the right thing, because they wanted to.”
“It doesn’t matter now. None of us have it.” Cole said sadly. “Now we need a plan B instead.”
“First, I’d like to say how sorry I am, Kira, about what happened with the sheriff … Frasier, and your dad.” She went to her old friend and hesi
tated. “I know it’s all too late, but I am sorry I never came to see you.”
Kira hugged her. “It’s OK. I think when I lost my dad, I realised how tough it must have been for you. Your dad held everything together, and then my dad tried to do the same thing. When he died, it left me powerless. In a way, I ran too. Only not so far.” She reached for Cole’s hand. “Thank goodness the Merrics showed up.”
“That’s one thing we can all agree on,” Natalie said, wiping tears from her eyes.
“Let’s go inside. I need coffee, and I think some homemade cookies would be a good place to start. Nothing like a sugar rush for putting things in perspective,” said Bliss, taking Sol’s hand, who looked lost surrounded by his brothers and sister and their mates. “I’ll help, if that’s OK. I would like to get to know you, Natalie.”
“That would be awesome.” They started to walk in. For the first time, they were all going to be under the same roof, a roof that should have been their family home. Riley only hoped that he could persuade Natalie to come here to live. A task that might be harder now she knew who he really was.
Chapter Sixteen - Natalie
Natalie was glad they were going to spend some time alone. Sol had managed to persuade his brother to go and meet the puppies, now he was waving happily from Cole’s truck as they drove off.
“I hope they liked me,” she asked, standing next to Riley and waving back at Sol. It hadn’t seemed too important before she met them, but they all got on so well that she would hate to be the outsider.
“Of course they did.” But he looked worried, although when he turned to her, his expression softened. “I’m glad we’re alone.”
She put her arms around him, pulling his head down so their lips met. “You are biased.”
“Of course I am.” He kissed her back, harder, fiercer. “I want to take you to bed. My bed.”
“Is that right? Well, I suppose I could make time for you, although there are dishes to do.” She smiled as his hand tightened around her and he pulled her in close.