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Curves For The Lone Wolf Page 2
Curves For The Lone Wolf Read online
Page 2
As she watched, a look of horror crossed his face and he turned away from her, hiding again. It made no sense, how could he be frightened of her. From the way his shirt fitted him she could see how toned and fit he was, in fact her imagination was already conjuring up images of what he looked like under that faded shirt. How could a man like this be frightened of a woman?
He stood looking down at the meat he had been preparing, his body as still as though carved from wood. At last he spoke. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to see me, I know how bad I look, but I won’t hurt you.”
“I don’t understand,” she said, confused by his words.
“Please, don’t be polite on my account. I know how hideous I look.”
Tara stood staring at him; she had no idea what he was referring to. “You look fine to me.” “Mighty fine,” she added to herself.
“I would rather you be abhorred by me than lie to spare my feelings.”
“OK, now you're scaring me. There is nothing wrong with you as far as I can tell.”
His temper seemed to rise then. He turned to her, looking wild and menacing. It was then she saw what he meant. Running along his chin and down his neck was a big angry red mark, it might have been a faded burn, or a birthmark, she couldn’t tell.
“Oh,” she said quietly.
“Yes, you see it now. You see how disfigured I am, and why I stay here so people don't have to be upset by the sight of me.”
“That’s why you live here? On your own?”
“Yes, so I don’t give beautiful women like you nightmares.”
She laughed, and his anger seemed to increase, the next words were said through gritted teeth. “Yes, I suppose I am a joke to someone like you.”
“No, I’m sorry, that's not what I’m laughing at.” She stopped and looked at him seriously. “You are the first person to ever call me beautiful. Most men think I’m unattractive and overweight.”
He still seemed to think she was making a joke at his expense. “Don’t try to make me feel better. You have no idea what it is like to be me. I’m sure men fall over themselves to breed with you.”
“Breed with me.” The way he said it made her body intensely aroused. In that moment she wanted nothing more than for this fierce young man to breed with her, right here, right now.
As though propelled forward by an invisible force she moved towards him reaching up to touch his face. Her thoughts were consumed by the need to kiss those full lips and feel them on her body.
He stood transfixed, caught in the same force as she was, there could be no other explanation. Her lips touched his and a strong current of desire filled her, his mouth responded, kissing her back, his arm encircling her waist and pulling her towards him.
She clung to him, her hand going to his hair, feeling it against her skin, and then sliding down his cheek. It was as though she had struck him, he jumped back away from her, breaking free of her lips. Shock coursed through her body.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it hurt you.”
“Hurt? No, but surely it repels you?”
“Why should it?”
“It’s hideous,” he said, turning from her.
She placed a hand on his arm and watched him flinch at the contact. “It turns red when you are angry, but otherwise there is little to see.”
He turned back to her. “It’s a huge disfiguring scar, perhaps it doesn’t look like it in this light, but I can assure you, it’s bad.”
She turned him back towards her, he was compelled to move, as she was compelled to touch him and comfort him. Tentatively she reached up and touched her fingertips to the place where the skin was a darker shade. It was smooth and cool to her, nothing like he described.
Standing on tiptoes she placed her lips there, feeling the tension in his body as he used all his self control not to turn away from her and hide. Working her way down his neck she kissed every part of the affected area.
He relaxed a little and groaned against her, his thick cock pressing against her thigh, he was as aroused as she was. Unable to resist further she placed her hand on his stiff length, making his breath catch in his throat.
Moving her hand up and down she discovered how big he was, and how much he wanted her. Yet he did nothing to encourage her, in fact he seemed to be frozen still. Tara remembered feeling like this, when she had lost her virginity.
“How long have you lived here?” she asked.
It was as though she had woken him from a dream, he thought for a moment. “Five winters.”
She could tell he wasn’t very old, that five winters ago he must only have been fifteen or sixteen, something had happened and he had run away. Tara was now quite certain of one thing, and she had to ask. “Have you ever been with a woman?”
She watched as the rest of his skin flushed red, the answer was there, and so it was no surprise when he told her, “No.”
“Then we’ll take it slow.”
She slid her hand down between their bodies and stroked his cock again. When he seemed to accept her touch she undid the button of his jeans, and then unzipped them. As they dropped to the floor, she sank to her knees in front of him.
His cock was wonderfully long and erect; she stroked it, teasing his balls with her fingers. He moved against her, his hips flexing forward, wanting her to touch him and more. Holding him in her one hand she guided him into her warm mouth.
She thought he was going to explode right then, his hands fisted her hair, holding her so he could move in and out of her mouth, simulating the rhythm their bodies would make when they were joined together later.
Tara sucked on him, moving her head up and down, her tongue licking the first of his pre come from the tip. Her free hand fondled his balls, squeezing them slightly, and then massaging the delicate skin behind them. He went wild, the monster within him released.
His cock pulsed and jerked its stream of warm fluid into her mouth. She took it all, tasting him and savouring the thought of being the only woman he had ever experienced in this way. It was incredibly satisfying to have him so excited to be with her, and to be capable of making him come so hard.
Until now she had always felt as though men slept with her out of desperation or pity, but now this man, this virile handsome man wanted her. Whether he felt the same need she had for him she did not know, and right now it did not matter.
He finished, the last of his orgasm subsiding to leave him limp and spent. His breathing was still rapid and he was fighting to control himself. There was almost a shimmering haze surrounding him, something she had never seen before, and in the end it disappeared and she blamed it on the knock on the head she had received.
Chapter Three
Recovering himself he held his hand out to her. She accepted it and rose to her feet, feeling a little unsteady. He looked at her differently, as though seeing through the newly discovered eyes of a man. He seemed less self conscious about himself, instead his gaze seemed to have shifted intently to her, and to her voluptuous body.
He looked as though he would devour her with his eyes, and the image of the wolf returned to her mind. Her body reacted to him, resonating with his open desire; she wanted to offer herself to him, to do with as he pleased. No other man had ever wanted her like this; it was a new and unique feeling, like no other she had known.
Tara swallowed, her mouth dry with longing. If only he would touch her, make some move to show her this whole thing wasn’t in her imagination, but he held back, unwilling to initiate any further contact.
Pride stopped Tara from dragging him back to the bedroom and pushing him down on the bed. She had been let down by men enough in the past to have some self respect left, but the temptation was incredibly strong. For the first time she realised that he might not have the same feelings for her, he might want her because he had never had a woman before, but he may lack the same magnetic pull she had.
Sighing she tried to release the tension in her body, although it objected. She had brought him to
climax but she was still left hanging in the frustrating place between arousal and release. Her movement seemed to break the spell between them, he looked at her face, and the same mask he had worn earlier slid back in place. He shut her out, and instead turned to finish the food he had been preparing for her.
Dried meat, with some berries and fruit, not exactly what she needed, but as she accepted it and began to eat she felt some strength, and even her sanity, return. He busied himself tidying up and getting her a drink of water which he poured for her from a large bottle. Looking around she realised there was no sign of running water either, definitely no home comforts here. It made her wonder about the young man, and how he survived out here on his own.
“What's your name?” she asked, chewing the meat, which tasted good.
He eyed her with some reserve before he told her. “Josh.”
“Hello, Josh. I’m Tara Edwards.” She nearly offered her hand for him to shake, but that seemed stupid.
He nodded to her, and went back to what he was doing, still keeping the damaged side of his face away from her.
“Have you lived here for a long time?”
“Yes, I came here to escape the taunts and names men call someone like me.”
She decided not to press that point any more, so instead asked, “Where is your family? Do they know you are living here?”
He stopped and thought for a while, his eyes distant, as though he was remembering something from a long time ago. When he spoke his voice was almost as distant. “I ran away, the taunts and jibes from other kids, it was too much, and then the other changes my body was going through...I was different, so I ran.”
“Every kid goes through puberty, we all change.” In fact Tara had first hand experience of how cruel other kids can be. She was what was referred to as an early developer. Being one of the first girls to need a bra was no fun.
He turned and looked at her, coming back to the present. “Puberty, of course. How easy it would be to only have to cope with changing from a boy to a man, but some of us change in other ways, ways that are hard to understand.” He broke off before explaining himself further.
A chill swept through her. In what other ways had he changed? He certainly seemed different to any other man she had met. But she couldn’t say why.
“You should rest now; tonight I will take you back to your car.” With no other words he left the cabin, a cool breeze coming in through the doorway as he went out of it.
She did feel tired, and a lie down seemed like a good idea, it might help her make some sense of everything he had said. Yet as she lay down to rest, sleep would not come, and she found no peace in the quiet that enveloped the cabin. She wanted him to be here with her, to be lying next to her in the bed, and more than anything to be touching her with his strong hands.
How long she wrestled with these feelings she did not know, perhaps she dozed for a while, but as soon as he came back into the cabin she knew. His presence was like a hand touching her shoulder, bringing her back to life, yet it was so subtle she could detect no other sign of him. He was quiet and still somewhere close by, and rising from the bed she knew she had to find him.
Slipping out of the door she came across him straight away, he was seated on the sofa, staring at the wall. He seemed calm, yet his fingers were curled around the sofa of the chair, digging into the worn fabric.
She stood still, watching him, at first she thought he was not going to acknowledge her being there, and she thought of backing away into the bedroom and leaving him to his thoughts. But then he turned towards her, his eyes haunted, and yet filled with need. Her body instantly became aware of him, an intense need filling her body.
“You shouldn't have come out of the bedroom,” he said, his voice strained.
“Why, what's wrong?” she asked, scared, but unsure exactly what of.
“I’ve tried to fight it, but even running like the wind has not made the need I have any less.”
Her heart began to race, he did feel it too. That pull, an invisible thread between them, reaching across the room and connecting their bodies at some deep level neither of them were old enough to understand.
“What do you need?”
“You know. I’ve tried to stay away, but all I can see when I close my eyes is you, all I can smell on the air is your scent. I wanted to spare you the agony of being my mate.”
“How can something we both want cause me agony.” she asked, interrupting him.
“Because I am not whole, I am scarred for life.”
“I’ve already told you the scars on your face are faint, they are nothing to be ashamed of.”
She wanted to go to him, but deep down she needed him to come to her, she refused to pursue him, but her resolve would not last long.
“I can’t ask you to live here with me. I can’t offer you the things you deserve.”
She couldn’t bear the look of sadness in his eyes. “Then come back with me. You can live with me, and maybe we can track your family down, they must be worried about you.”
Tara could not believe she was offering herself to this man, offering to help him to go back to living in civilisation. There was so little she knew of him.
“I can’t go back. You don’t understand. I’m not the same as other people.”
“Why don’t you explain it to me?”
His voice almost broke as he said. “If I tell you I will never see you again,” he said, standing now and walking towards her. “And I am not ready to let you go, it’s selfish of me, but I want you, I want to know what it is like to lie with my mate before you go back to your life away from here.”
“You're mate?” The question went unanswered because before the words had left her lips he was next to her, his strong body propelling her back into the bedroom.
Breathlessly she clung to him when they fell in a heap onto the bed. Their legs and arms wrapped around each other, for the present time acknowledging their need. This was so new to them both, being wanted and needed. But for Josh it was also his first time with a woman, and Tara sincerely hoped she would not disappoint him.
Indeed the thought of being the experienced one in this relationship worried her, but she needed to have him inside her, to let whatever it was between them reach fulfilment. Anything else was unthinkable. If this was her one chance to persuade him to come back with her when she left, she was going to take it and make the most of every moment.
Her hands went to his worn shirt, she pulled it up over his head to reveal his toned chest and a six pack any guy who went to the gym would be proud of. She ran her hands over his skin, feeling those muscles tense under her touch. They were so different, her soft curves against his hardened body, but they seemed to be meant for each other, their bodies fitting together as they lay on the bed side by side.
Stroking him, teasing him with the soft tips of her fingers she kissed his lips. Instinct took over and his lips moved against hers, tasting her softness and wanting more. He pushed his tongue between her lips and she parted them to allow him to explore her mouth.
His hands moved to touch her body through her clothes, skirting around the parts of her that needed to feel him most. Eventually she could stand it no longer and gently placed his hand on her breasts, encouraging him to stroke her there. Hesitant at first, he seemed to be worried about hurting her, but he read her desire and rubbed his thumb over her nipple until it became a hard peak.
He might be inexperienced, but he was a quick learner, listening to her body and reading her reactions. His fingers became more confident, and in a bid to get closer to her he began to undo the buttons of her shirt. Tara longed to feel his naked flesh against hers, and helped him to remove her clothes.
For once she had no feelings of self consciousness, and she discarded her jeans too, only pausing briefly before removing her bra, and leaving her panties the only barrier between them. He gazed at her voluptuous breasts, and then reach out to run the palm of his hand over her nipples, feeling the hardn
ess of them against his skin. The feel of his hands made her shiver in excitement, her sensitive flesh feverishly warm.
Tara could not bring herself to ask him to use his mouth on her breasts; she instead decided to lead by example. So after stroking his nipples with her hands she then leaned forward and licked his taut peaks, hoping he would get the idea and reciprocate the pleasure. His sharp intake of breath told her he liked what her mouth was doing to him. She used the flat of her tongue to lick him before sucking his nipple into her mouth.
She could feel his cock pressing against her thigh. It was still encased in his pants, but was straining to be freed. “All in good time,” she thought as at last he lowered his head and licked and sucked her breasts, mirroring what she was doing to him. It felt so good, his inexperienced mouth soft and gentle to begin with, becoming more urgent when he felt the effect he was having on her.
Tara squirmed under his touch, wanting him to touch her between her thighs, to feel him inside her. Yet she did not want to rush things, instead she let him continue to suckle her breasts while she lightly ran her finger over his back, never touching the red marks on his neck which were like faded burns, the skin raised a little, but not as bad as he imagined, even on close inspection.
After exploring his body with her hands and mouth, kissing him and taking in the scent and taste of the woods that lingered on his skin, she turned her attention to the hardness in his pants. First she stroked him through the fabric, feeling the length of him. When she thought he was comfortable, enjoying her touch, she decided it was time to unleash him, and feel him properly.
When he realised she was intent on removing his pants he eagerly helped her, his hands moving to swiftly push them off his legs. She sighed at the sight of him, he really was incredible and she had never been with a man as handsome as Josh was. He almost made her mouth water, she could stare at him all day and never grow tired, that was the strange effect he had on her.
However Josh was not content with simply looking, he wanted her to touch him, and he certainly wanted to touch her. Taking his time he kissed her mouth, and then moved to cover her whole body with feather light kisses. It was all she could do to respond in any way, she wanted to lie back and absorb all he was doing to her, but she wanted him to enjoy this too.