Marianne : Unmarked (His) Read online

Page 11

  The air seemed to crackle with energy, and his body shimmered, no longer holding its true form. Her eyes seemed blurred, her vision no longer able to keep the edges of his true form together. Fear took hold and she slid down the trunk of the tree to crouch on the ground, wanting to be hidden, but needing to see.

  Colours whirled, turning darker, and growing lower to the ground. She blinked, and her vision seemed to clear second by second, and there he stood. The biggest wolf she had ever seen, dark in colour yet tinged with a russet like the leaves in autumn. His eyes had lost their glow, and as he approached her she looked deep into them and she was sure she could see Marcus there, this was him, he knew her.

  Slowly he walked towards her, stopping after every step to make sure she was not going to run. Inch by inch she pushed herself upright, the tree supporting her weak legs, which were not yet able to be trusted. When she felt surer she took a step towards him, her hand outstretched longing to touch him, to feel his thick fur with her fingers.

  Only feet away he stopped, his head outstretched, sniffing her scent. Tentatively she edged closer until her hand was just above his snout and he breathed her in, moving forward to brush his large head gently against her hand. She spread her fingers out and the fur was as soft and thick as she thought it would be.

  His shivered at her touch, his body quivering with excitement. For a moment Marianne felt panic, he was aroused, she knew he was, but surely he did not expect her to mate with him like this. Not in wolf form. It was something she had never thought of until this moment. Yet surely two Marked would mate this way?

  She turned to look at his face, unable to read his expression. His eyes were half closed in the joy of this moment, of being touched by her like this. She broke their contact and he turned to her, and she knew he sensed her fear. She thought he would pounce, push her to the ground and mate with her.

  Instead he walked past her, pausing for her to follow and led her further into the trees. After a few steps she felt brave enough again to touch him, and they wandered through the trees together, taking their time, enjoying this new experience.

  The forest seemed to take on a new mantle, the creatures reacted differently, and Marianne felt no fear of being here in the dark. Nothing would harm them, and she could never get lost because he instinctively knew where to go and which parts to avoid. Slowly she relaxed and listened to the world around them, trying to imagine what it would be to be Marked, to be able to change like this.

  When he paused, and nuzzled her hand, she understood he wanted her to stop, he moved away from her and then he shimmered out of focus until he stood once more a man, naked.

  Chapter Twelve

  Marianne stood, letting him come to her when he was ready. She did not have to guess what he wanted. Her. Now she felt no fear, only a need to be his again, and for ever. His hands gripped her dress and he would have torn it from her body, but a moment of clarity hit Marianne and she breathed. “It’s the only one I have to wear.”

  So he took his time, turning her around so he could undo the ties, kissing every inch of her flesh as he uncovered it. Marianne leaned against a tree, using it to support her, and to restrain herself from tearing the dress from her body herself. Her flesh seared where his lips touched it, a fever unlike anything she had known.

  At last the dress slid from her shoulders and he pushed it down over her hips until it fell to the floor. His arm went around her and his hand slid between her legs, going straight to the centre of her need.

  Finding her slick heat he pushed inside her before drawing his fingers back over her clit. Kissing her shoulders while his fingers worked inside her, he slowly drove her insane. Her breasts brushing against the rough bark of the tree, until he eased her back and covered them with his free hand, stroking her nipples into hard peaks.

  Pulling away he turned her around, and knelt before her, raising her leg to rest on his shoulder before kissing and nipping the sensitive flesh of her outer lip until they were swollen with her arousal. Drawing his tongue along her slit and over her clit, she nearly exploded, pressing herself forward onto him, aching to have him inside her.

  He was determined to make her come, and his fingers plundered her slick depths, pushing in deep before pulling back out. Again and again his fingers worked inside her while his mouth claimed her clit and sucked and licked her, his teeth grazing the sensitive little bud.

  This was rougher than he had ever been with her, and the thrill of his need to please her made her come quick and hard. She cried out, not caring who, or what, in the forest heard her.

  Her sex contracted around his fingers, he kept the pressure on her, not relenting until she was completely finished. She slumped down over his shoulders, tears flooding her cheeks, the toll of the evening catching up on her.

  He eased her leg down and then pulled her to kneel beside him, he kissed her, and she tasted herself on his lips.

  “Will you kneel for me, so I can take you as my kind take their mates?”

  She was shocked, at what he wanted, but could she deny him such a thing? “In your wolf form?”

  “No. Never like that. But I would mount you, as a wolf mounts its mate.”

  “Show me.”

  He turned her to kneel on all fours, her body, although drained, quickly picking up on his need and excitement. She tried to get herself into a comfortable position, with no leaves or twigs digging into her knees of hands. It was the last coherent thought she had, because behind her, with an eagerness she could not imagine, he was ready mount her.

  His hand gripped her hips to steady her while his other guided his cock towards her slick entrance. Rubbing the head along her slit he readied her for him. Steadying herself for what she knew would come, she dug her hands into the forest floor.

  He entered her quick and fast, the animal in him taking over, her sex stretched to accommodate him completely as he buried himself up to the hilt.

  Pulling back he almost left her before pushing deep into her in slow steady thrusts, building his momentum, and her arousal. His hand slid between her legs and he stroked her clit, rubbing it with each thrust until she could hardly support herself.

  The thrusts became quick jerks, hard and deep, this mating was not meant to last long, it was rough and primal, a need for him to claim her here out in the wilds. His thick warm seed filled her, he pushed deep, penetrating her completely and then throwing his head back and howling, the wolf part of him close to the surface.

  Marianne knew they would hear this back at the inn and know. Yet she did not care, this is what the Marked would do, it would expected.

  Completely spent he slumped to the floor, pulling her down beside him and wrapping his body around her to keep her warm. No words passed between them, there was nothing to be said that the other did not know or feel.

  The hand fasting had been just words; this was where they had become one, husband and wife, the alpha male claiming his female. They kissed and touched, the bond between them growing stronger until nothing would be able to break it, only death.

  As the moon rose high in the sky he helped her dress, and then, still naked picked her up and carried her back to the spot where he had undressed so many hours earlier. Placing her down, he quickly put his clothes back on before helping her to her feet.

  Arm in arm they went to the inn, through the back door and up to the bedroom where they lay together in exhaustion until the sun rose in the sky and the road beckoned them home.


  Marianne urged Storm up the meadow and onto the open moor. As they cleared the gate, the low figure of a wolf came from the trees, it loping gait an easy match for Storm. The horse turned and snorted, and then the thrill of the chase took over, and the two creatures raced for their lives across the open moor until they both gasped for breath and tears stung Marianne's eyes.

  Laughing she fought to control her horse, and the wolf slowed before flopping down with his tongue out, panting but with an obvious grin on his face.

/>   Marianne circled her horse back to the wolf, and dismounted, allowing Storm to graze on the sparse grass while she lay down next to the wolf and stroked him with her hands. He turned and sniffed her, and then licked her hand, tasting her skin, a mixture of salt and sweat from Storm, and leather from the reins. The sensation sent tingles down her spine.

  “Are you going to change?” she asked.

  With a sigh he got up and moved a few feet away from her before shimmering into his human form. “Do I not get a moment to rest?” he said, approaching her, naked. Her eyes went to his cock, and he smiled, and like magic he began to harden. “You always have this effect on me.”

  “Then you should learn some self control,” she teased.

  “Or perhaps I should learn to control my wife.” He pushed her to the ground and laid his body over her hers; drawing her to him so their lips met and she entwined her arms around him, pushing her fingers into his hair.

  “Is that what you would prefer? A little wife who did as she was told and never left the house.” She answered him mockingly when he released her at last.

  “May be it is,” he quipped back. “But then I would soon grow bored and have to go to the tavern to meet the wenches there.”

  “They would not have a wolf.”

  “So there. I am stuck with you.”

  She giggled, and then moved away from him going to searched in the small purse she had brought with her. Smiling as her hand closed around her prize, she turned back to him and pushed him onto his back.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise.”

  “Yes.” Suddenly nervous, she added. “I hope you like it.”

  “If it is a gift from my beautiful wife then surely I must.”

  “Mr Draper helped me with it.” Marianne smiled to herself, picturing Mr Draper's face when she had asked for help with a gift for her wolf husband.

  It had taken a little while for the household to accept the new Lord, most of the servants wanted to wrinkle their noses at him when he walked by. Here with so many dogs his scent apparently stood out like rotting meat in the midday sun.

  Yet once they had seen how happy their mistress was, they had made an effort to accommodate his...ways. A hut had been placed a short walk away from Marsh Hall so that he could go and change there, and the moors had become his hunting grounds, somewhere the dogs rarely ventured.

  “Did he indeed. I expect that gave him great pleasure.”

  “It did when I explained what I wanted.”

  “So are you going to show me?” His curiosity was piqued.

  Marianne's hands were shaking she was so nervous; it seemed such a silly thing to do now, when she was face to face with Marcus. Slowly she lifted her hand and opened it for him to see. In the palm of her hand was a pendant, it matched the one he had given her, only there was no wolf on it. Instead there was an intricately crafted horse, galloping free.

  “Marianne,” he whispered. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You don’t think it’s stupid? I mean the one I gave you on our wedding day is from the King. But I’ve been thinking, that if I were like you, I would be a horse, like Storm.”

  “It’s perfect.” He sat up. “Will you put it on for me?”

  She leaned forward and lifted the old pendant off his head before placing the new one around his neck carefully. Now it was on it looked even better than she could have hoped. She smiled, and touched it with her fingertips, before trailing them down his chest.

  “Thank you. I will treasure it as I treasure you.”

  Marianne smiled shyly, still unused to being spoken to with such terms of endearment. She lowered her face, trying to hide from him as tears pricked her eyes.

  “Marianne,” he said, lifting her chin so she had to look at him. “I love you. You know that.”

  Whether she had known it, she was unsure. Yes, she had hoped, but he had never said the words, and she never trusted her judgement where emotions were concerned. This was, as far as Marianne could ever remember, the first time someone had actually told her, so she had nothing to compare him to.

  She wanted to say the words back to him, but they seemed unable to form in her mouth. Instead she touched her lips to his, and kissed him, hoping he would know with that one kiss all that she felt for him. He put his hand on the back of her neck and drew her near, his tongue searching for hers as their kiss deepened.

  His cock stirred in his lap, and Marianne wanted nothing more than for them to make love, here in the wilds of the moor. Standing and lifting her skirts a little she tugged at her undergarments. He saw what she intended, and did not object, sitting up to help her pull them down. Once they were discarded he guided her down onto his lap so that she straddled him.

  Kneeling up she allowed him to guide his cock to rub along her slick wet sex, holding it for her to slide slowly down on to. The head breached her outer lips and then slid inside her, moist warm inner walls gripping him as she lowered herself onto him. It was as though he was impaling her, she felt too full of him, his thick girth too much for her. Yet she knew they fitted together just right, and relaxed until she could take him fully.

  Her skirts covered them, hiding what was happening between these two lovers. Marcus gripped her hips, and moved her, rocking her backwards and forwards on him. Marianne learned how she liked to move, and soon took over, her hips circling around so that he stretched her inside.

  The tension built in her, and she bucked her hips as she began to lose control. Marianne felt the friction between them as her hips rose, and liked it, wanting more, but she was so close to coming she could not keep this up for long without exploding. Marcus obviously felt the same. He placed his hands on her hips and held her still, despite Marianne's protests.

  “Still, My Love. Let it pass, and then we can start again, and make it last longer.”

  With a strangled sob she did as he bid, her sex tightening around him and then relaxing until her climax slipped away. When her breathing had returned to normal he eased his grip, and Marianne lifted herself off him, before sliding back down. By the Spirits it was good. She closed her eyes and lost herself to the natural rhythm their bodies. He lifted his hips to meet her, thrusting up as she came down to plunge deeper and deeper inside her.

  Marianne threw her head back and rode him, strong and hard. Taking everything he could give her as her orgasm rose. Now so close again, the edge was almost there, Marcus thrust up and cried out, filling her with his seed, but she could not let go.

  He felt her need and slid his hand under her skirts, finding the little bud, and as he touched her lightly she exploded. His fingers working their magic to stimulate her clit until she too cried out to the open air her love and ecstasy for this man.

  Both completely spent they lay together while the clouds passed over and only the cry of the birds and the sound of Storm munching on grass disturbed their peace. They talked about their future, about the estate, and about the children they would one day have, and all the things they would show them.

  It was perfect, and when Marcus leaned forward and kissed her she knew that her heart would burst with happiness, that all the long nights of loneliness were a thing of the past. A past she would not want back.

  She also knew one thing above all else. “I love you, Marcus.” The words finally left her lips for the first time.

  He kissed her then, and made love to her once more before Lord and Lady Marsh made their way home in the twilight. If anyone had seen them they would have seen a huge wolf and a wild woman on a dapple grey horse, hair streaming behind her as they made their way across the moor.

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