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  “There are other things beside food.”

  She tilted her face up to look at him, seeing the passion in his eyes and she wanted to make him burn for her, with flames that only she could quench. “Like what?”

  “Like getting to know each other. Just think of all the time we’ll save if we don’t have to think about what to order.” He lowered his head, and she watched him moisten his lips.

  Her breathing became ragged. What was wrong with her? She had always played it safe, and this was dangerous. She was in the middle of nowhere with a man she didn’t know, looking into his eyes, with an expression that surely told him she wasn’t worried if they talked or kissed, if they danced or made love, as long as she was close to him.

  Zoe closed her eyes, and waited for the promised kiss. She was ready, her lips buzzing as they waited for that first contact. But it never came, and when she opened her eyes, he was staring down at her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I was thinking how beautiful you are and how much I really want to kiss you.”

  “Then, why don’t you?” she asked, hoarse with need.

  “I don’t know if one kiss will be enough,” he answered, his voice gruff. “And I know what I said about the warehouses, but that’s not how I want our first time to be.”

  She swallowed down the knot of nerves that swelled in her throat and made it impossible to breathe. She should tell him tonight would not be their first time together. They’d only just met. If she valued her bunny hide, she would get back in her car and go home to Tony. That was a valid excuse. Zoe only had to say she was worried about her brother, and she would have a good reason for turning her bobtail around and running away.

  Or did she step into the future Caleb was offering her in his eyes? She was transfixed by them, caught up in their heat and passion.

  “Where do we go?” She should have clamped her hand over her mouth to stop such words escaping, but it was too late, they were out in the world now, and she was pleased. Pleased when the heat in his eyes grew hotter, his hands pulling her tighter against his body so she felt the full extent of his arousal.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his lips so close to hers, his breath caressed her cheek.

  “No,” she squeaked like a mouse about to be caught by a big cat. But she wanted to be caught.

  With a groan, he pulled away from her, letting her go so swiftly she nearly fell over. “Get in the car,” he ordered roughly.

  Zoe stood for a moment, to catch her breath and reassess what she was doing. This wasn’t like her; she never slept with men on the first date, let alone on the first day they met. She kept reminding herself this wasn’t a one-night stand; Caleb wasn’t some guy she’d picked up at a bar. He was her mate.

  On shaky legs, Zoe walked around to the passenger side of his car and opened the door, taking one last breath of the cool evening air before getting in. There was a look of triumph on his face, for one split second, before it was covered by his desire once more. He reached over, and his hand squeezed her thigh. She whimpered, a soft moan escaping her as his hand slid upwards, so close to the aching need between her thighs she wanted to beg him to touch her there, to ease her need.

  However, he placed his hand back on the steering wheel, leaving her perched on a precipice, one she longed to fall into. Trying to regain her composure, she sat up straighter, and watched the road, the lights from his car illuminating it. She wasn’t sure where they were going: all she knew was their destination. Her and him, in bed. Somewhere.

  “You OK?” he asked, glancing at her.

  “Yes. Any reason I wouldn’t be?” she asked.

  “You look pale.”

  “This has all come a bit too fast for me,” she admitted. “You know, with Tony and everything.”

  “I do. I completely understand. I came here for a short trip to see my parents and find a job close to them. I never expected my whole world to change,” he said, a smile touching his lips. “I am not complaining, though.”

  “It doesn’t bother you that I’ve been thrust on you? You don’t see it as unfair, that you have no choice in your feelings or your reactions?” she asked.

  “Not especially. I’ve dated enough girls to know how it feels for them not to be with the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Now, somehow, it’s easier. One less choice to make, one less decision needing my attention.”

  “Do you put a positive spin on everything?”

  “I try to. So, where is the negative here?” he asked.

  “Are you kidding?” Her arousal seemed to have been shoved out of the car to splatter on the tarmac. Suddenly, instead of wanting him so much it hurt, all the decisions they’d have to make came crowding in.

  Caleb didn’t feel the same way, when he said, “No. This is the biggest thing that is ever likely to happen to either of us, and it’s done. We have each other.”

  He turned the car, heading up into the mountains above Bear Bluff. So, he wasn’t going to make love to her in a warehouse, he was going to make love to her in the wild. Was that a romantic gesture? Oh no! He wasn’t going to want to do something weird in his animal form, was he? Damn, he didn’t know that when she shifted, she would be ten times smaller than him.

  “Caleb, I think there’s something you need to know about me.”

  He turned off, heading up a dirt road. It was lined by trees on either side, which crowded in on them, making her feel cut off, with no escape. Was there suddenly less air in the car? She took in deep breaths: in through her nose and out through her mouth. This was all happening way too fast.

  “There’s nothing more I need to know.” The trees thinned out, and he turned the car once more, and drove up a narrow track, which led to a small house nestled in the side of the mountain.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “It’s a house I came to look at. I’m thinking of buying it, if I move back to Bear Bluff.” He looked out of the window at the house. “It’s the one I worked on with Tony today. The renovations are about halfway done.”

  “And why are we here?” she asked, looking across to him.

  He raised his eyebrow at her. “You’ve forgotten so soon?”

  “You mean this is where we are going to…?”


  “What if we’re caught?” she asked.

  “By who? Dylan wouldn’t mind. Or if it bothers you, I could always text him and ask him.” He took out his phone, which horrified her.

  “No. No, it’s OK, I’d rather the whole of Bear Bluff didn’t know what we are doing.”

  He laughed, and leaned closer to her. “What we are doing is the most natural thing in the world. We are going to go inside and we are going to consummate our bond.”

  Her stomach filled with fluttering butterflies. She wanted this, but she was scared. Everything about Caleb took her out of her comfort zone.

  Maybe that was a good thing. Only one way to find out…

  Chapter Seven – Caleb

  She looked scared, not of him, but of what they were going to do. Was this a glimpse of the real Zoe? She had appeared so strong, so in control this morning while they were looking for Tony. Was that an act?

  “Hey, it’s OK,” he said.

  She nodded. “I know, I just don’t want to get arrested for breaking and entering.” They were walking toward the small cottage, the moonlight shining down on them, making everything look surreal.

  “I have a key,” he said, holding it up. “No breaking, but there may be entering.”

  She blushed, the color returning to her cheeks. “Funny.”

  “I don’t want to be funny.” He opened the front door and took her hand. “I want to be serious. I want you to know how much this means to me.”

  They were inside the hallway; to the left, a small narrow staircase ran upwards into the dark. The handrail was missing but the smell of newly sawn wood tinged the air. “This is what you were doing today?”

  “Yes, this is the handrail I’m rep
lacing. Maybe you could come back and see it in the day.” He moved toward the staircase. “It’s a lovely house. Just right for a family.”

  “How many rooms?” she asked, looking upstairs and then around her, to gauge how big it was.

  “Two, but with plenty of room for an extension.”

  “You know Tony would have to live with us?” She wondered if that might put him off them living together, but she had to be honest; she wasn’t prepared to abandon her brother just because she’d met her mate. They’d been through too much together for that to happen.

  “I know. And we’d make it work. He’s a good kid, and it wouldn’t be forever: once he’s trained as a carpenter, he would make enough money to move out.”

  She pulled a face, which he caught as she moved in front of the big windows, the light of the moon illuminating her as if she was an angel. His angel. “What? He’s not going to want to live with his sister for his whole life. Is he?”

  “I guess not.”

  “And by then you’ll have a child in your belly.” He came to her, and lifted her, so she was perched on the windowsill; he nestled his body between her thighs, resting his hardness against her mound. “I want you, I want a family. Tell me they aren’t what you want too.”

  She raised her face to look at him, her lips red against her pale skin. “I’m not sure what I want anymore. Coming to Bear Bluff, I only wanted Tony to settle down and make a new start.”

  “He’s getting there.” Caleb ran his fingers through her hair, feeling the silky strands slip through his fingers. Her hair was light, almost translucent as the moon shone down on her, and for a fleeting moment he thought she might not be real; instead, he had conjured her up out of mist and longing.

  “Thanks to you,” she said, her breasts rising and falling. He wanted to strip her clothes off and look at her, naked in the moonlight.

  “Don’t take anything away from yourself. You gave up your old life to bring him here. Your belief in him got him this far.” He moved his body, bending his knees and then rising up very slowly, pressing against her mound with his hardened cock. Zoe arched her back, making the contact firmer, making him harder. “Let’s forget about our future, and just concentrate on our now.”

  His mouth claimed hers, hot, hungry, desperate for her, in a way he’d never known. She responded, her arms going around his neck, fingers curling into his hair, and pulling him to her. Caleb slipped one hand under her bottom, and held her closer, his cock rubbing against her, until she squirmed, her need matching his.

  Lifting her, he carried her up the stairs. He’d looked around the house earlier in the day; there was a double bed in the master bedroom. Sheets had been draped over everything when the house had been shut up, so it was clean, clean enough for him to lay her down on.

  That’s exactly what he did, and then he climbed on the bed beside her.

  They kissed again, tongues entwining, lips moving against each other as their need to be a part of the other grew. Unable to bear it any longer, Caleb broke away, standing up and stripping his clothes off while she watched. It was his turn to be bathed in the moonlight, and he cast his clothes aside and stood for her to see the effect she had on him.

  Zoe moved toward him, sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes beckoning to him. He did as she bid, closing the gap between them, looking down and watching her hand reach out and touch him. His breath hissed through his teeth when her hand curled around his cock. It was incredible, her touch sending shockwaves through his body. He’d wanted to feel her touch him all day, but this was more than he imagined.

  Then she lowered her head and sucked the head of his cock into her warm, wet mouth, and his world exploded.

  Caleb rested his hands on her shoulders, his knees weak as she moved her head up and down his shaft. Her tongue circled around and around, probing him, sending delicious sensations through his body. Did she have any idea of how she made him feel? Did she have any idea of how much he wanted to please her in the same way?

  In response to this thought, he slipped his hand down from her shoulder and stroked her breast through her clothes. Her nipples were taut buds, and he longed to suck them into his mouth and roll his tongue around, making her writhe beneath him.

  His hips jerked forward when her teeth grazed the shaft of his cock. He was close to coming, and as much as he craved that release, he didn’t want to come inside her mouth, he wanted to come inside her sex. To plant his seed in her womb.

  Caleb pulled back, his cock sliding out of her wonderful mouth. “I think it’s time.”

  She didn’t ask what he meant, she didn’t have to; neither did she disagree. Instead, she stood up, and began to strip off her clothes. A big bear’s dream was about to come true.

  Chapter Eight – Zoe

  A lot of things she’d encountered in her life made her nervous. Taking her clothes off in front of Caleb wasn’t one of them.

  She didn’t take it slow, she didn’t do the whole striptease thing, maybe because she didn’t want to tease, she wanted him too much. Although that didn’t stop her fingers trembling as she undid each button of her blouse. Her sweater was already on the floor, discarded as soon as she had pulled it over her head. She hadn’t given much thought to whether the floor was clean and if it would get ruined; she couldn’t give much thought to anything other than Caleb.

  “Need a hand?” he asked, closing the small space between them to stand so close their thighs touched. She could feel his heat, could feel his arousal, and she wanted to rip the damn blouse off her back so she could stand skin pressed against skin.

  Caleb’s fingers trembled too, she was sure, as together they undid the last of her buttons. While they worked, they touched, fingers entwining, as if every part of them that could join together was compelled to. There was joining that both of them needed, and fast.

  Infuriatingly, slowing her down, the zipper caught in the fabric of her skirt, she tugged at it, not wanting to rip it, but wanting it gone. Caleb’s strong fingers closed around her and wordlessly he eased the zipper down, allowing her skirt to fall to the floor. She stepped sideways to step out of it, and he moved too, their actions mirrored.

  “I love your lingerie,” he said, bending his head and pressing his lips to where her breasts swelled in her lacy bra. “But it really has to go.”

  The clasp was undone, and her breasts spilled out into his hands. Before she had a chance to register this, he had captured her left nipple in his mouth, sending jabs of desire through her body. He wasn’t gentle in his torture of the taut buds; instead, he sucked and licked, his teeth grazing her skin, until she was so wet her panties were sopping.

  Taking the initiative, she moved, breaking their contact, and pushed her panties down over her thighs. Caleb saw the action for the invitation it was. Taking her hand, he led her to the bed, and she lay down, moving across the bed until she was comfortable. Caleb stood and looked at her for a moment, and then joined her. Their foreplay over, he moved between her thighs, and guided himself into her.

  It all happened so fast: one minute the head of his cock was pressing for entrance, the next he was buried inside her up to the hilt, giving her body little chance to yield to him. But the way he stretched her inner walls was divine, and she arched her back to meet him stroke for stroke when he pulled out and then lunged back inside her.

  This was no polite lovemaking. When he had refused to kiss her at the yard, he had made the right decision, because now he was unstoppable, his need to claim her taking over, the look in his eyes telling her his beast was close to the surface, that they were together in this claiming.

  Looking inside herself she sensed her other side too, as if they were all coming together in this moment. And coming was exactly what she was about to do.

  It happened so fast, too fast, but her arousal had built up inside her for the last hour or more and now it was ready to explode, she was ready to explode, and when Caleb came inside her it set off a chain reaction.

He cried out, his voice filling the room, a sound akin to a roar emanating from his chest. The sound excited her, it was so primal in its need, and it was all for her. She might be a small creature on the inside, but she had tamed this beast: he was hers, this big bear of a man was her man, her mate, her protector, and as his seed spurted hot inside her, he might very well soon be the father of her child.

  When they were both spent, they lay together in the light of the moon, neither of them knowing what to say. It had been incredible, almost too incredible if that was possible, and they were both having to readjust where they fit into this world, because for Zoe at least, her world had shifted on its axis, just as she feared it would.

  Yet she wasn’t filled with fear now, she was filled with hope. Caleb was her partner in everything she did from this moment onwards. He’d already proved himself a noble and honorable man; now he was her noble and honorable man.

  “I should get home,” she said, breaking the spell between them.

  “Already?” he asked, kissing her softly.

  “Yes. You said before midnight.” She looked at the moon in the sky, noting how high it was over the mountains. “It has to be way past eleven.”

  “I said that before we made love, before I realized I don’t want to spend another night without you in my arms.”

  She laughed. “That is so corny.”

  “Tell me you don’t feel the same way?” he asked, pulling her back down beside him when she tried to get up.

  “It wouldn’t matter if I did. We still have lives to live, we have to make arrangements before we can spend every night together.”

  He kissed her again, his arms tight around her, and she worried for a moment he wasn’t going to let her go. Had her honorable man gone in the light of their mating bond; would he force her to stay if that was what he wanted?

  “Let’s get you home, Cinderella,” he said, releasing her and rolling off the bed, where he began to retrieve their clothes. He passed hers back to her, shaking them first to get rid of any dirt from the floor.