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Joey: Spring (Shifter Seasons Book 6) Page 3

  As Breeze calmly and confidently instructed Polly what to do, Miles watched wide-eyed as he glimpsed his child for the first time. Joey gritted his teeth as Polly squeezed his hand. He hadn’t been joking when he said Polly was one of the strongest people he knew, he mused as his hand went dead.

  “That’s it. One more push and baby will be out,” Breeze told Polly. Excitement laced her voice and her eyes shone brightly.

  She loves her job, Joey’s bear said.

  And I think I love Breeze. Already. Joey frowned as he searched his emotions. They were overwhelming. As he watched his mate help Polly and her baby, he was mesmerized. There was a part of him, a part that he never knew existed until now, that was drawn to Breeze. That wanted to scoop her up in his arms and kiss her lips.

  “Joey.” Polly’s strained voice brought him back to the amazing thing that was about to happen.

  “You’re doing great.” Joey turned his head, dragged his gaze away from Breeze, and fixed it on Polly.

  “There’s something different…” Polly pushed down, groaning like a wounded animal as she finally pushed her baby out into the world.

  Whatever Polly was about to say was forgotten as Breeze picked up the baby, cradled him, it was a boy, in her arms, and checked his airways.

  There was a moment of absolute silence before the boy took a deep breath and then let out a cry. Polly burst into tears and Miles looked as if he was about to faint as he looked down on his son.

  “He’s incredible.” Miles reached out and stroked his son’s tiny hand.

  “Why don’t you show him to Mommy?” Breeze passed the baby to Miles, the tenderness on her face made Joey’s heart ache. He longed for her to look at their child in the same way. To hold their child against her breast and gaze at him with utter adoration.

  “Are you okay?” Breeze asked Joey, as Miles and Polly crooned over the baby.

  “Yeah.” He took a step back and dragged a hand through his hair. “I’m fine.”

  “You look tired.” She nodded to the chair by the side of the bed. “Sit down and take a moment.”

  “I’m okay.” Joey looked at the couple and their new baby. “I’ve never seen a baby born before.”

  “It’s the most incredible experience. Isn’t it?” She smiled a warm, happy smile. “I’ve delivered hundreds of babies and each one of them is a small miracle.”

  “You have a wonderful job.” Joey nodded, his mind suddenly blank. For a guy who loved to joke, loved to flirt, and generally talked to everyone and anyone, this was a first.

  “Joey,” Polly called to him, but he could not turn away from his mate. “Joey, do you want to hold him?”

  Joey’s forehead creased. Driving over here, the thought of being with Polly while she gave birth to her mate’s baby had left him mortified. How would he handle seeing her so happy with her mate when he felt so damn lonely?

  We are no longer alone, his bear told him.

  No, we’re not. As long as we actually find our voice and ask Breeze out, he replied.

  We’ll find the courage. Just like Polly found the courage to give birth. His bear nudged him. Let’s see the baby. Let’s celebrate this moment with Polly.

  “Are you sure you trust me with him?” Joey asked gently as Polly placed the baby in his arms.

  “Absolutely,” Polly replied. “I know you’ll be there for him if ever he needs you.”

  “Thanks, Joey,” Miles said gruffly. “I was going crazy thinking I was going to miss the birth.”

  “How was your flight?” Polly asked as Joey cradled the small child.

  “Unlike anything I have ever experienced before.” Miles gave a short laugh as he glanced at Joey. “I’ve had a day I will never forget.”

  “What am I missing?” Polly asked as Joey tore his gaze away from the baby and looked at Miles’s face.

  “You didn’t tell Polly?” Miles asked quietly as Breeze busied herself around the room.

  “Tell me what?” Polly hissed, her eyes darting to her newborn baby still cradled against Joey’s chest.

  “It was the most amazing thing,” Miles shook his head as if in disbelief.

  “More amazing than our newborn son?” Polly held out her arms and Joey reluctantly passed the small bundle back to her.

  “Nothing is more amazing than a newborn baby. Or any child.” Joey smiled wistfully at the baby as he wriggled in Polly’s arms.

  “Of course not,” Miles agreed quickly, nudging the blanket away from his son’s chin so he could get a better look at him.

  All thoughts of his night flight on the back of a dragon were forgotten as he stared at the new life he’d made with his wife.

  “I should go.” Joey backed away from the bed.

  Polly tore her gaze away from the baby. “Thank you, Joey.”

  “For everything.” Miles caught his eye and nodded. “I’m grateful Polly could turn to you.”

  “No problem.” His jaw tightened and he swallowed down the lump of emotion that threatened to cut off his breath. It wasn’t just the new family before him. It was the pull of his mate. His senses were locked onto her. He’d followed her around the room as she worked, not with his eyes, but with a part of him he didn’t know existed. It was like she’d awoken something inside him that could track her every movement. Could taste her on his lips.

  “Are you all right?” Polly tilted her head, studying him for a long moment.

  He ducked his chin and gave her a brief smile, his eyes drawn to Breeze as she came back to the bed.

  “Shall we weigh him and then get him feeding?” Breeze held out her arms for the baby. “Have you thought of a name yet?”

  Polly shook her head. “We have a couple of ideas for names, but we haven’t chosen yet.”

  Joey backed away. He opened his mouth to speak to Breeze, to say something.

  Anything, his bear insisted.

  But how could he hit on his mate when she was helping a newborn baby? It wouldn’t seem right.

  Joey didn’t want to cheapen their relationship and give a bad first impression. But if he didn’t speak, how could Breeze even know he existed?

  “One last look at the baby?” Breeze asked as she walked across the room to the baby scales. Her eyes fixed on him and for a moment he was sure there was a look of recognition in her eyes. A spark of interest.

  Speak! his bear yelled.

  “He’s incredible. You are incredible.”

  Joey’s bear groaned.

  “I mean, the job that you do.” He pointed to the baby. “Helping bring life into the world.”

  “Thank you.” Her tone was sincere. “I think I have the best job in the world.”

  She unwrapped the baby and placed him on the scales, her attention fully on the small infant.

  Joey sighed, his eyes fixed on Breeze until he became aware he was staring.

  “Joey?” Polly said his name and he locked eyes with her. “Is…” She nodded toward Breeze and pointed at him.

  Joey froze, his feet not receiving the signal from his brain to walk away. Instead, his head nodded of its own accord.

  “Oh, my.” Polly put her hands over her mouth.

  “Are you okay?” Miles asked.

  “Yes.” Polly nodded. “I’m fine.” A strange expression crossed her face. “Everything is fine.”

  Joey’s mouth twitched up at the corners. Polly was right. Everything was fine. He’d find a way to get to know Breeze. He’d find a way to win her heart. Because they were meant to be together.

  In that moment, he realized exactly why Polly had dumped him when she met her mate. As much as he’d thought he was in love with Polly, he now realized it was a hollow love. While his love for Breeze, even though they’d only just met, was all-consuming.

  He needed Breeze like he needed the air in his lungs.

  Joey stumbled out of the room. He needed a plan. But first, he needed fresh air. It would help clear his head.

  Somehow, he navigated the hospital corridors
even though his brain was foggy. It was as if the mist had come down from the mountains and seeped into his head, filling it with a swirling cloud.

  As the large glass doors at the hospital entrance automatically opened, he stepped outside and strode across the parking lot to his truck. Placing his hand on the hood, he leaned back and drew in a big breath, his eyes focused on the high peaks in the distance. He longed to shift, to change from man to bear and run up the lower slopes of the mountain, then climb higher until his muscles ached and his lungs burned from the exertion.

  “Damn it.” He grabbed his phone and switched it on, suddenly realizing how light it was and how late in the morning it must be. The time inside the hospital had slid past unnoticed. While Polly was giving birth, it was like being cocooned in a bubble. Now reality struck.

  He was late for work.

  Unlocking the truck, he climbed inside, no longer noticing Polly’s scent that lingered on the seats. The only scent that drove him crazy now was his mate’s.

  And honey, his bear said.

  And honey. Joey switched on his phone and used his hands-free to call Mac at the sawmill.

  “I wondered when you might get around to calling,” Mac said as he answered the phone.

  “I’m sorry…” He paused, trying to figure out what he was meant to say.

  “Polly had her baby. We know.” Mac let the silence sit between them for a moment. “Do you need to take some time off?”

  “No.” Joey ran his hand through his hair and sucked in the cool morning air. “I need to work.”

  “Are you sure?” Mac asked. “I know this must be hard on you, especially since Polly called on you to be there for her. It was a good thing you did.”

  “Anyone would have done the same thing,” Joey replied. “I wasn’t exactly going to say no.”

  “All the same, it must have taken courage. And then to arrange for Kelos to go get Miles.” Mac’s words suddenly made it obvious how his boss knew what had happened.

  “I think I got my reward.” He puffed the air back out of his lungs.

  “In what way?” Mac asked. “Did they name the baby after you?”

  “No, I met my mate.”

  Silence. Mac had no smart retort, in fact, he seemed to be lost for words.

  “A miracle in itself,” Joey said. “She was there. She delivered the baby.”

  “Does she know?” Mac asked quickly as his brain kicked back into gear. “Is she a shifter, does she know about shifters?” Maybe his brain had gone into overdrive instead.

  “She’s not a shifter. Or if she is, she did not let on that she knows we are mates. Whether she knows about shifters, I have no idea. It isn’t the kind of conversation you have while a woman is giving birth.”

  “No, of course not,” Mac replied. “Are you sure you still want to come into work?”

  “I am. Breeze is busy, I didn’t know what to say or do, so splitting wood with my axe or chopping down a tree or ten might be a good way to vent some of this frustration.” He groaned. “Damn it, what if I’ve blown it already?”

  “You haven’t, I promise.” Mac gave a low whistle. “Wow, a mate.”

  “Shocking, huh?” Joey steered the truck into the lumberyard and switched off the engine. He ended the call as Mac came out of his office to meet him.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am. How happy we all are.” Mac strode toward Joey and threw his arms around his friend. “Congratulations.”

  “Hey, is this a private hug or can anyone join in?” Beck asked as he crossed the yard heading for the office.

  “Anyone can join in.” Mac beckoned his brother over. “Did you hear Polly had her baby?”

  “Oh, so this is a comforting cuddle.” Beck arched an eyebrow. “I don’t recall you ever cuddling me when I was feeling low.”

  “I did. When you were five years old and Hex flushed your action figure down the toilet.” Mac grinned. “But it’s not a comforting cuddle. Why don’t you tell him, Joey?”

  “Something else happened?” Beck asked, intrigued by the news. “You didn’t?”

  “I did.” Joey cracked a grin, the enormity of what had happened suddenly hitting him. Maybe he’d been too shocked before, but now, now he felt the weight of it.

  In a good way, his bear said.

  Yeah, a good way. We have a mate. We’ve met the person we are meant to spend the rest of our lives with and that’s what I want to do. I want to spend the rest of my life with Breeze.

  “So who is it?” Beck asked.

  “Her name is Breeze. She’s a midwife at the hospital. She delivered Polly’s baby.”

  “Wow, so it all turned out good. When Kelos told us what happened, we were worried about how you would cope. It must have been emotional watching Polly give birth.” Beck nodded. “But there she was…”

  “There she was. Of course, for most of the time, she thought I was Miles.” He slapped his forehead. “No wonder she kept giving me funny looks when I was staring at her.”

  Beck laughed, a real deep belly laugh, so contagious that Mac joined in. “She must have thought you were a piece of work, staring at her like an idiot in love, while your wife gave birth.”

  Joey’s eyes widened. “That was her first impression of me.”

  “I’m sure she’s over it now.” Beck took a breath, his humor gone as he noted the expression on Joey’s face. “She knows you aren’t the father. She’ll see the funny side.”

  “Not if I don’t figure out what I’m going to say to her to get her to go on a date with me.” Joey looked perplexed. “I didn’t know what to say. What to do.”

  “Listen, Joey.” Mac placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You took a pregnant woman to the hospital and stayed with her until her husband arrived. I think that speaks volumes.”

  “In a good way?” Joey asked. He’d never felt so unsure of himself.

  “In a good way.” Beck sighed. “If you want my advice, you check with Polly to see if Breeze is on duty and head over there with some flowers, maybe even some chocolates, and ask your mate on a date.”

  “What if she says no?” Joey asks.

  “Then you find a way to make her say yes,” Mac told him.

  Chapter Four – Breeze

  “How are you both doing?” Breeze asked Polly as she nursed her baby. They had been moved out of the delivery suite and into a private room where mother and son could get acquainted.

  “Okay. I think we’re getting the hang of feeding.” She lowered her head and dropped a kiss onto her son’s freshly washed head. “He smells divine.”

  A smile spread across Breeze’s face. “One of the perks of being a midwife is the smell of a baby’s head.” She watched as the small boy sucked hungrily on his mother’s breast.

  An ache of longing bloomed inside her. She’d always dreamed of having a baby of her own one day, but it seemed as if motherhood was going to pass her by. She was fast approaching forty and even if she found Mr. Right tomorrow, she wouldn’t want to risk rushing things. Getting pregnant with a man you’ve just met spelled disaster.

  Sure, you might keep it together for the sake of the child to start with, but eventually, the cracks in the relationship showed and things fell apart.

  And where did that leave the child? With his aunt.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Polly reached out and took hold of Breeze’s hand.

  “Yes, I was just thinking about how lucky you are to have such an attentive husband.” She pointed toward the door. “I couldn’t help hearing that he got a quick flight home to be at the birth. And he didn’t look as if he wanted to leave your side. Ever.”

  “He is the best. Miles is the man I’ve always dreamed of.” Polly glanced up at Breeze as her son took a breath from feeding. “Joey is a good man.”

  “Joey?” Breeze frowned. “Oh, your friend. I thought he was your husband to start with.”

  “No, not my husband. Just a good friend. A very good friend. He dropped everything when I called him
and asked him to stay with me for the birth.” She looked toward the door, her cheeks flushed pink.

  “Is he an ex-boyfriend?” Breeze asked, then covered her mouth. “Sorry, none of my business. But you seemed pretty close.”

  “He is an ex-boyfriend,” Polly confirmed. “And I’m lucky to count him as a good friend. But that’s all we are.”

  “That’s good. That you are still friends.” She gave a lopsided smile, feeling awkward. Why was she interested in Joey? After Polly’s labor, she’d told herself she wasn’t in the right place for a relationship. So why did Joey fill her head? His face, his hard-toned body, his smile. It was like having a movie reel playing on repeat. Every time she fixed her thoughts on something else, he slipped back in.

  “Can I give you some advice?” Polly said suddenly.

  “Sure.” Although Breeze was not sure she wanted to hear Polly’s advice.

  “Joey likes you. I could see it in his eyes.” Her mouth twitched at one corner. “I mean he really likes you. And he’s a keeper.”

  Polly busied herself rearranging the flowers Miles had run out to get along with a box of chocolates and some magazines for his wife. “But you didn’t keep him.”

  “No,” Polly confirmed. “That’s because I was meant to be with Miles.” Polly fixed Breeze with a hard stare as if she were trying to dig information out of her head. “We’re mates. Meant to be together.”

  Mates. Yeah, like she hadn’t heard that before. Breeze gave Polly an indulgent smile. “You’re a romantic.”

  “And you’re not?” Polly asked in surprise. “You don’t believe that we are destined to meet our soul mate?”

  “No. I’ve seen enough relationships break down to know that destiny does not shine down on all of us.” She sighed. “Okay. That is probably not what I should say to you when you have just given birth to a wonderful son and your husband is obviously very in love with you.”

  “Oh, you can say what you want,” Polly said. “It makes little difference to me. I know Miles and I are going to stay together forever. We’re fated mates.”

  “You’re lucky you found each other.” Breeze felt a pang of envy. Despite trying to convince herself otherwise, she truly wished she could find a man who made her go crazy for love.