Waiting For Curves Page 2
Lance took a sip of his tea and then placed his cup down on the saucer, very carefully. “It’s no trouble, I enjoy the garden. I can carry on with it; give you more time for your studies.”
Ava felt her temper begin to rise, did he think her useless? “Mr Greystone, I am quite capable of tending the garden, it will be good experience for me. I am studying horticulture.”
“Really? Then I would be glad to discuss the garden with you, and perhaps you would like to come over and see the Greystone Estate? I’m sure if you need more experience we can find something for you to get your teeth into.” Lance looked at her steadily, he figured he had her cornered; she would have to take up his offer. She would be forced to spend more time with him, and hopefully her reservations would fall away.
“That’s very kind of you, but I would hate to take up your precious time, you’ve already done so much for Aunty Jo.” She wanted to add she wasn’t a charity case or anything, but stopped short of offending him.
“Come now Ava, Mr Greystone has one of the finest estates around here, very diverse.” Mrs Hobbs gave her most innocent smile, but Ava knew she was about to be played by the old lady. “It would be lovely for you to see where your Uncle Tom spent his days, and you can tell me all about it in the evenings, it’s been a long time since I’ve been over the estate, these poor old legs.”
Her aunt made a great show of trying to get her legs to work properly, and Ava knew she had been beaten, for now. Anyway, she was only being pig headed about seeing the estate, it really was a fantastic opportunity, but she simply didn’t relish the thought of spending all that time with Lance. She was afraid temptation would get the better of her.
“Thank you, Mr Greystone.”
“Lance, please,” he insisted.
“Lance,” she repeated. “When I’ve got my schedule sorted I’ll drop by and speak to you.”
Ava desperately needed to do this on her own terms, and for one moment she thought he was going to push his own thoughts onto her again, but he picked up his cup instead and finished his tea without another word.
“Right, I must get going. Thank you for the tea, Mrs Hobbs. Ava, it was very nice to meet you.” He held his hand out formerly for her to shake. Ava hesitated, not wanting her skin to come into contact with his, it was stupid, but he scared her. His hand hovered and she knew it would be rude to refuse his gesture, so she slid her hand into his.
Her body flooded with warmth, his grip so firm and reassuring she didn’t ever want to let go, but she couldn’t let him know how she felt. For a moment she wondered if he would be able to hear the beating of her heart, it was thumping like mad in her chest.
Her eyes flew up to his, and she knew he felt it too, a brief smile crossed his lips, but she made her face impassive, and dropped his hand. The smile disappeared, and a look she perceived as pain replaced it before he too shielded his expression and turned to Mrs Hobbs and took his leave.
“Thank you again, Mr Greystone, perhaps Ava would be good enough to show you out,” Mrs Hobbs said, looking pointedly at Ava.
“No, I know the way,” he said and then glanced at Ava before adding. “I think Ava has had enough of my company for one night. But I do hope you will take me up on my offer, I’m very proud of the estate and I enjoy showing it off.”
Ava didn’t answer, she didn’t trust her voice, and so she watched him leave the kitchen and go out into the garden.
“Are you going to let him go like that, I thought you had more manners, Ava?”
Ava looked at the frown on her great aunts face, she was right; Lance Greystone had brought out the worst in her. With a sigh she went out after Lance, unaware of the smile of triumph on the face of the old lady.
“Mr Greystone, Lance,” she corrected.
He was looking at the rose bushes again although it was now almost too dark to see. “I hope you take care of these, Ava, they mean a great deal to your great aunt.”
“I know, and I’m sorry if I was rude. I’ve had a rough couple of days, and I’m tired, but that is no excuse.”
He straightened up. “And I’m sorry if I hurt you, Mrs Hobbs never mentioned you were coming to stay, I guess I over reacted.”
“Apology accepted.” She turned and started to walk towards the gate, wanting to be out of his presence because he did funny things to her insides. Things she had never really experienced before.
Although she had dated boys, she had concentrated on her education and then her parents’ troubles had taken over her life, so she was very inexperienced in adult relationships. The way he made her feel was almost alien, the stuff writers try to persuade you is real, but you know it's not. Love can never be so intense, but to Ava this was.
No. Not love; it was lust, a healthy lust for an attractive man. Maybe that would be the best course of action? He was like an itch that needed scratching, and although she didn’t ever want to get married and settle down, she didn’t want to live like a nun. Maybe she should start her own notched bedpost.
The thought terrified her, sex with a man like Lance Greystone would be wonderful, except for the fact that she was a virgin. She didn't think there was anyway she could disguise that fact, and if she told him he would no doubt back away quickly.
Ava came back to reality, he was talking, and she wasn’t listening. “I’m sorry, Lance, I missed what you said.”
He gave her a searching look. “I’m boring you, I should go.”
They had reached his car, and Ava was struck by his lack of self assuredness around her. She had expected him to be all about control, after all he managed one of the biggest estates in the county, but he seemed so vulnerable around her.
He wanted her, she was sure of it, but even the fact that he was incredibly good looking and had a body to die for, he was not sure she wanted him. For a woman used to men being turned off by her voluptuous body, this was something new.
Her body reacted to this new feeling, the closeness of him aroused her, she wanted to reach out and touch him, to feel the five o'clock shadow on his face. She longed to undo his shirt and kiss the hard muscles of his chest. Her sex ached to experience him inside her, to be filled by what must be an incredibly large thick cock if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by.
His nostrils flared, he could smell her arousal, she was sure of it, her brain couldn’t comprehend how, but he did. This knowledge fanned the flames of desire inside her, unbidden she moved towards him, her hands reaching out and settling on his shoulders. She was sure he had stopped breathing, standing so still he might have been made of stone.
To reach his face she had to stand on tip toes, so she did, while he remained impassive to her touch. For a brief moment she wondered if she had got it all wrong, if he didn’t want her after all, but then her lips touched his and it was as though she had released a powerful weapon.
His arms encircled her waist and he drew her to him, clamping her body hard against his, she could feel the strength of his arousal pressed against her leg. Then her thoughts were swept away by his lips on hers, gentle, and yet firm in their need. His tongue snaked out and slid along her sensitive skin, sending shivers through her body.
Only his arms supporting her stopped her legs from buckling underneath her. She clung to him, and now he was in control. His hand slid up and cupped her breast, caressing her through her clothes, and making her nipples harden.
Needing more access he lifted her shirt and slid his hand across her stomach and upwards to pull the cup of her bra down. The touch of his fingertips against her naked flesh made her senses explode, she pushed herself forward, giving herself to him. His thumb grazed the stiff peak of her nipple, and she moaned against his lips.
What spell he had placed on her she didn’t know, never had anyone made her act so wantonly. At this moment if he laid her down on the grass and stripped her clothes off she would open herself to him and let him have his way.
His lips moved along her jaw and down her neck, while his hands began to undo t
he buttons of her shirt; she looked down at his fingers moving, her mind a fog of desire. Once undone he pushed it back onto her shoulders and then pulled the cup of her bra right down to expose her left breast.
His mouth left kisses on the swell of her breast before capturing her stiff nipple and sucking hard. She gasped, the breath completely leaving her lungs. Still struggling to breathe she felt his tongue rolling over the stiff peak, and then circling around it in a continuous motion making her sex throb and ache with a terrible need to feel him there. She knew her panties were sopping wet, and felt ashamed of herself for wanting a stranger so much.
Oh, a stranger! What the hell was she doing, offering herself to him right here where anyone passing could see them. It was like a cold bucket of water hitting her square in the face. This was her great aunts landlord. What if he used that as leverage to get what he wanted from her?
Her heart raged at her brain, this man was worth the risk, he wouldn’t hurt her. But her head won, she found the strength to push him away. For a moment she thought he wouldn’t stop, that he would force himself on her regardless. She pushed his shoulders as hard as she could.
“Please, Mr Greystone, forgive me.”
His head came up, his eyes full of longing and desire that tore at her heart, but he stopped, running his hand through his hair, his breathing ragged.
“No, it was my fault. I should have given you more time.”
“I don’t need more time, Mr Greystone. This is not what I want. I have already decided that relationships are not for me. It was unfair of me to take advantage of you.”
“Take advantage of me?” She could hear the bitter humour in his voice at the thought of a woman forcing him to do anything he didn’t want to do. To Lance that was impossible, and so he squarely took the blame. “Ava, that is quite impossible, there is a connection between us that I know you feel, that connection means so much to me that there is nothing you can do to me that would be taking advantage.”
“Mr Greystone, I believe any connection you may feel is entirely in your head, I feel nothing for you, tonight was simply a lapse in judgement. I’m a long way from home and I had the sudden desire to be close to someone. You just happened to be here.”
“You know you feel it too, don’t deny our destiny.”
“Our destiny? Don’t be so dramatic.” Her words cut him but she had to say them because every word he had spoken was the truth and she couldn’t bear to admit it. She had made her mind up to live a solitary life, one that was dedicated to her career. Whilst the way Lance looked at her made her dream of having babies with him, but she didn’t want children who would get hurt when things went wrong.
He sighed, a sound that rent her heart in two. She was pushing away a man who wanted her, but it had all been so sudden, a crush, lust call it what you would but she didn’t believe in love at first sight, so whatever they had wouldn’t possibly last. At that point she realised she would probably die a virgin, because if she couldn’t bring herself to take a risk with a man like Lance Greystone she would probably never have sex.
Ava made a huge leap in her understanding then. He was the very reason she couldn’t take that chance, the look in his eyes told her he wanted more than a one night stand or a brief fling. He wanted all of her, would expect commitment and some kind of control over her. If he had simply wanted sex no doubt she could have gone through with it, no matter how soulless a joining like that would be.
Her pushing him away had stemmed from the need to keep herself away from any emotional turmoil.
“Goodnight, Mr Greystone.”
“Lance, goodnight. Please forgive me for not taking up your offer of looking over the estate, but I think it best that we keep our distance from each other.” She folded her arms across her chest, a barrier she needed to ward him off.
“Goodnight Ava, I hope you will reconsider in time, my door is always open to you, any time, day or night.”
She didn’t know how to answer him, but resolved to never get herself in a position where she would need him, especially at night. With some relief she watched him open his truck door, but before getting in he turned back to her.
Covering the distance between them inhumanly fast he whispered into her ear, so close his warm breath sent shivers through her body. “I know you feel the same way about me; I also can tell you’re scared to admit those feelings. But don’t bury what you feel, for both our sakes.”
She glanced sidelong into his eyes, and saw nothing but honesty there. A sob rose in her throat, but she managed to keep it there. Ava wanted to shout her anger at the world, why had this happened now when her parents had tainted love and marriage for her. If she had met Lance a year ago she would have instantly committed herself to him.
As she watched him drive away the turmoil inside her boiled over and she sank to her knees and sobbed. She cried for the loss of her family, she cried for the loss of her home, and more than anything she cried for the loss of something that had not even had the chance to take breath, her relationship with Lance.
Half an hour later she made her way through the pitch black garden. If she had looked towards the end of the garden she would have seen two wolf eyes watching her. These two same eyes returned to the small cottage every night for the next two months, ever hopeful of catching a glimpse of her.
Ava didn’t see them, and she didn’t see Lance in his human form either. She avoided him out of necessity and he avoided her because she had made it clear that was how she wanted it. For Lance it was a matter of honour that he respected her wishes, but every day it grew harder, the need for her to be his mate grew more intense until it affected his concentration at work.
Then one night after he had returned to the estate from his regular evening vigil the phone rang.
“Lance, it’s Ava, I need you. Please will you come straight away?”
Chapter Two
“Ava? What's wrong?” Even in his groggy half awake state the tone of her voice told him she was upset.
She stifled a sob. “It’s Aunty Jo, she's had a fall and I can’t get her up.”
“OK, calm down and tell me everything.” He was up out of bed and getting dressed as quickly as he could, while still holding the phone to his ear.
“I was in bed when I heard a terrible crash. She'd got up to go to the bathroom, and fell over a table. I told her she needs an ambulance, but she refused. I can’t lift her back into bed.” Ava started sobbing properly now, and her voice became a whisper. “I’m sorry I called you, but I don’t know what to do.”
“Shhh, hey, come on, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes. Is she still conscious?”
“Good, now stay with her until I get there. It'll be OK, don’t worry.”
“Thank you,” she said between shuddering sobs.
“I told you, any time day or night.” There was a pause and then he said, “I’m getting into my truck now.” She heard him start the engine and was so thankful he was on a cell phone so he could keep talking to her. “Are you in the same room as her?”
“Yes, I’m using the phone in her room; luckily she had your number on it.”
“I made sure she had it when Mr Hobbs died, so she always had someone close by. How's she doing?”
“Aunty Jo, how are you feeling now?” Ava asked with a shaky voice.
“My arm still hurts but I can move it, nothing broken.”
“Are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?”
“No, I’ll be alright, I’d like to go to bed though, I’m feeling a bit cold.”
“I know, but Lance is coming to help. Here let’s put this blanket over you.”
“Ahh, Lance, he’s a good boy, you won’t do better than him you know.”
Ava put her hand over the receiver so Lance couldn’t hear what was being said. “Aunty Jo now’s not the time for this conversation. Lance is coming to help you, that's all. I have no interest in men, you know that.”
r /> “Such a waste though,” Aunty Jo said putting a hand on Ava’s cheek and smiling at her. “You're such a pretty girl.”
“Come on Aunty, lie quietly.” Ava heard Lance's voice and put the phone back to her ear. “I’m coming along the drive now, Ava. Come down and let me in, give the phone to Mrs Hobbs and I’ll keep talking to her.”
Reluctantly Ava passed the phone to her great aunt and rushed downstairs just as the headlights of Lance's truck appeared in the window. She opened the front door, struggling with the bolts that hadn't been used for months, and stood shivering while she waited. He pulled up in front of the house, gravel flicking up as he stopped, his door opened and he was out of the truck in seconds.
Seeing her standing there shivering, he gathered her to him and the incredible heat from his body warmed her to the core. Despite the seriousness of the situation her body stirred in longing, and she held him to her for a fraction of a second before they parted and went upstairs.
Lance took the phone from Mrs Hobbs, placing it on the hook, and asked her, “How are you, Mrs Hobbs?”
“I took a bit of a tumble, Mr Greystone, I’m sorry if I’ve caused any damage.”
“Don’t be silly; now let’s see if it’s OK to move you.”
Ava watched as he very carefully felt her aunt for any broken bones, his expression was so intent, so caring it made her want him more than ever. She had fought her desire for him since the night they had kissed. She had consciously avoided anywhere he might be, even though her tutor had told her to find someone willing to take her on work experience.
Instead she had trailed around different farms only to be told they would let her know if anything came up. After the fifth time she figured they were turning her down because she was an outsider, or a woman, more than anything else. Many times she had made up her mind to call Lance, but then had chickened out.
She watched Lance feel her aunt's wrist, and saw the old lady flinch. Lance sat back on his heels and looked at her head next; there was a small bump above her right eye. With a frown Lance looked up at Ava.