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Mac (Winter - Shifter Seasons Book 3) Page 15

  His bear was right, but he still felt uneasy when he reached Kelos and told the dragon shifter the news. “Saffron says thank you for the offer.”

  “We’re going?” Kelos asked.

  “You look surprised,” Mac said.

  “I thought you wouldn’t ask her,” Kelos admitted. “I figured you would prefer to keep the equilibrium.”

  “I would but I know how much finding Evan would mean to Nina and how much Nina means to Saffron.” Mac looked out across the forest as the sound of laughter drifted toward them.

  “And you know the pain of losing a father.” Kelos pierced Mac with his eyes while his words pierced Mac’s heart.

  “You’re right.” Mac nodded as if someone had just turned a light on his soul. “If I can find Evan and reunite him with his mate and his sons then it might just heal the hole that’s inside me.”

  Mac placed his hand on his heart. He’d never looked inside himself. He’d never examined his feelings over the loss of his father because he’d never had the luxury. Instead of opening himself up to pain and loss, he’d kept busy, striving to make things work for his family. Then, when he’d turned the sawmill around and made it viable, he’d been too scared to open up the well of grief inside of him. Too scared that once open, he’d never be able to close it again.

  “Mac.” Kelos put his hand on Mac’s shoulder.

  “You’re right, this is something I need to do.” He nodded and then turned away, a lump in his throat that he fought to swallow down. Now was not the time to fall apart. His mate and her family needed him.

  And he needed his mate.

  “Found it.” Saffron held up the file as Mac entered the office.

  “Great, thanks.” The words stuck in his throat and he put his hand to his mouth and coughed. He hated looking weak in front of his mate.

  “It’s my turn to ask you if you are okay.” Saffron placed the file he’d asked for down on the desk and went to him. “What happened?”

  “Nothing.” His forehead creased and he tried to shake off the sense of fear and dread his conversation with Kelos had evoked. All the emotions he’d buried when he’d lost his father were circling around inside him waiting to break the surface and consume him like a giant wave.

  “This doesn’t look like nothing.” Saffron approached slowly, as if she were afraid he might turn and bolt. Just as his bear had approached her slowly last night when he first shifted. Which gave Mac an indication of just how bad he must look. “Mac?”

  “I spoke to Kelos.” He nodded, tumbling over his words as he raked his hand through his hair.

  “What did he say?” Saffron asked gently. She reached out and stroked his cheek and he was instantly soothed. “If he’s changed his mind about searching for Evan and thinks it’s too dangerous, that’s fine with me.”

  “No. It’s not that. And Kelos would never go back on his word. He knows how much this means to you.” Mac took a deep breath. “He… We spoke about Evan and it was as if he opened a chasm inside me. One filled with all the fear and sadness and guilt over my father’s death.”

  “Oh, Mac.” She wrapped her arms around him, and he clung to her. He was the strong one in this relationship. He was the one who was supposed to protect them all and yet it was Saffron who gave him the strength to face those feelings for the first time. “You buried them so you could survive. But it’s okay to let them out now.”

  “Kelos said I need to find Evan. That if I do it’ll help me heal. And he’s right.” Mac sniffed loudly and straightened up. “I do need to do this.”

  “What if we don’t find Evan?” Saffron asked gently. “What if there is no trace of him and there is no new information, no closure for Nina and the boys?”

  “Then at least I’ll know I tried. At least I’ll know we did all that we could.” He forced a smile on his face. “I need to do this.”

  “And we’ll do it. Together. You and me.” A smile played across her lips. “And Kelos, of course. When I moved to Bear Creek, I didn’t expect to find a mate. And I certainly didn’t think I’d get the opportunity to ride on the back of a dragon.”

  “That will be a first for me, too,” Mac told her.

  “We’ll just have to cling to each other and hope for the best.”

  “I’ll cling to you anytime,” Mac said.

  “Cling away.” She leaned forward and kissed him. Her lips seared his skin and awakened a desire in him that pushed all his fear and sadness back into its box and slammed the lid. She was here with him. His mate. She was warm and alive and vital. She was his present and his future and that was what he had to focus on.

  Once we have dealt with the past. We must focus on finding Evan tonight. After that, whichever way things go, we focus on our new life with Saffron. Our father died. It was an accident and we have built a good life for us and our family so there should be no guilt. His bear was right. As he often was.

  “You chase all the bad things away, Saffron,” he murmured against her ear as he kissed her neck.

  “You know, this office is small, but I found something really interesting.” Saffron leaned across him and locked the door leading toward the forest.

  “I already knew the door locked,” he told her as she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him toward the back of the office.

  “Did you also know that if the door to the filing cabinet is open, no one can see you?” Saffron opened the filing cabinet door before she slipped away from him and locked the second door leading into the timber processing area.

  “I did not know that.” He reached for her and grabbed her around the waist before backing her up against the assorted files and paperwork that he’d amassed over his time at the sawmill.

  “That’s why you hired me.” She slipped her hand down between their bodies and stroked his hardened length. “I’m here to enhance your working life.”

  Mac chuckled before his breath hissed through his teeth. “You are more than enhancing my working life. You are taking it to a whole new level.”

  “Show me,” she whispered against his ear.

  Mac groaned and unzipped her black pants and she wriggled out of them, kicking them to one side as she hooked her arms around his shoulders. Their eyes met and a secret smile spread across her face. Damn, she turned him on. He was so hard, he didn’t think he could have walked out of there in a straight line if he’d tried. Not until he’d found some release.

  And he knew just the release he needed. Usually, his pent-up tension would have been aimed at a tree that needed chopping up. Not today. Today he wanted to claim his mate and take her here in his office.

  After a quick look over his shoulder to check that no one could see them, he lifted her so that she rested against the files. Saffron unbuttoned his work-worn jeans and pushed them down over his thighs. They pooled at his feet. With her right hand, she guided him into her as she steadied herself with her left hand.

  Mac closed his eyes and experienced a moment of complete ecstasy. The office around him melted away and it was just him and Saffron alone in the world. She filled his senses, the scent of her warm skin incredibly arousing while she covered his neck with soft butterfly kisses.

  He held her close, her back against the files as he slid deeper into her. She was so tight around him, her inner walls gripped him as he thrust harder, deeper, needing to fill her completely. She gasped and nipped the sensitive skin on his neck as he placed his hand on her bottom and jerked forward. Mac impaled her completely and Saffron tightened her muscles around him, holding him inside her. He reached up and gripped the shelf above the files as he fought to keep control. He was just about ready to come. He wanted to fill her with his seed while she cried out his name.

  “Harder.” Her words spurred him on, and he pulled back before thrusting his hips forward and filling her once more. Mac groaned, the sensations flooding his body were too intense. His jaw tightened and he dropped his hand from the shelf and slipped it between them. As he pulled out, he stroked the smal
l bundle of nerves between her legs. Saffron’s hips bucked and he thrust forward, only penetrating her with the head of his hardened length.

  “Oh.” Saffron bit her bottom lip and her fingertips dug into his shoulders as she closed her eyes and lost herself to him. “Oh.”

  He thrust deeper, his fingers strumming her intimately, bringing her ever closer to climax. She whimpered and thrust her hips forward, wanting him to fill her completely, but he wasn’t ready, not yet. He wanted to take her to the edge of her orgasm and leave her hanging there so that when she came, her release would be earthshattering.

  Mac flexed his hips, increasing the tempo, playing with her, teasing her as she urged him to take her deeper. Her right hand dropped down from his shoulder and she placed it on his butt, her fingers digging into his flesh.

  Finally, as he teetered on the edge of his own orgasm, he lunged forward and filled her completely. Instantly he pulled back out of her and then thrust forward again and again. Saffron buried her face in his shoulder to drown out her cries as she came. She pulsed around him as he jerked his seed into her, filling her with the potential of life.

  “Damn, Mac. That was intense.” She laughed breathlessly as he lifted her head. Cupping her hands around his face, she kissed his lips.

  Mac leaned forward, still buried inside her up to the hilt. “I always believe that people should have satisfaction at work.”

  She laughed and kissed his cheek, hugging him tightly. “I think I fall in love with you a little more each day.”

  “The feeling is mutual, Saffron. I love you.” He gave her a bashful smile. “I never said that to anyone but my mom and dad before.”

  “I am honored.” She brushed her lips against his. “I can’t believe this is happening, but I would not change any of it. Not one crazy part.”

  “Me neither.” He sighed. “But we have things to do.”

  “Yeah, maybe that is the one part I would change.” Her expression clouded.

  “Hey.” He lifted her chin as her bottom lip quivered. “All we can do is try.”

  “Together. We’ll try this together.”

  Chapter Twenty – Saffron

  “Okay, you know what to do?” Saffron asked Mac as they stood outside of the kitchen door. Inside, Nina was still talking to Sue, but she’d also been joined by Kassia, too. At least according to Mac and his shifter senses.

  “I go in there and distract them with my good looks and sense of humor.” He winked and Saffron rolled her eyes. “I know what to do.”

  “While you cause a distraction, I’ll grab Nina’s phone and get the coordinates off it. Then I’ll put it back without her even knowing.” Saffron nodded.

  “Or, I could just ask her to show us,” Mac suggested.

  Saffron frowned and shook her head dismissively. “No. I don’t want Nina to know that I told you.”

  “You don’t want to break a confidence. I can understand that.” Mac put his hand on the door handle and opened the door. “Are you ready?” He looked over his shoulder at Saffron when she didn’t answer.

  “Ready.” She nodded, her face set firm as if they had been talking business instead of planning to steal Nina’s phone. Even though it was for a good reason, Saffron still didn’t like going behind her sister’s back like this. However, Saffron was in no doubt that if her sister had even a sniff of the plan Mac and Saffron were hatching with the help of Kelos, then she would insist on coming.

  “Hey, there you are.” Sue turned around in her chair to look at them. “There’s fresh coffee in the pot. If your boss will give you time off for a coffee break.”

  “I’m sure he will.” Saffron smiled sweetly at Mac. “Maybe you could fill everyone’s cups.” She scanned the table for Nina’s phone and spotted it next to her coffee cup. “Here, I’ll grab them all for you.” She hurried over to the table and collected the empty coffee cups.

  “How do you like your coffee, Nina?” Mac asked.

  As Nina looked up at him, Saffron swiped the phone, something Sue didn’t miss. With a slight shake of her head, Saffron silently implored Sue to keep quiet. Which she did, although as she knitted her eyebrows together, Saffron knew they would have some explaining to do.

  “Here.” Saffron placed the cups down on the counter next to the coffee machine. “I just need the bathroom.”

  She turned around and headed out of the kitchen. As she walked, she pulled the phone from up her sleeve and switched it on. Tapping in Nina’s security code, she accessed the map which showed the location where Evan was last seen. Taking out her own phone, she snapped a picture of it and closed down Nina’s phone.

  Her heart hammered in her chest as she rushed to the bathroom. Splashing water on her face, she calmed her red cheeks. She’d never done anything underhanded to Nina. This didn’t feel right even though it was for the right reasons.

  Saffron just hoped Nina would see it that way.

  With a deep breath, Saffron flushed the toilet and went out the door. Composing her features, she headed back to the kitchen. Mac was handing out the coffees. Sliding into the seat next to Nina, Saffron slipped the phone back onto the table and smiled up at Mac as if nothing had happened.

  “Thanks.” Saffron smiled up at him, her cheeks still flaming with guilt, but she suspected everyone would think it was the effect of her mate.

  “So, what are you two up to?” Nina asked as she cupped her hands around her coffee mug.

  “We aren’t up to anything.” Saffron sure sounded as if she was, even to her own ears.

  “No work?” Nina arched her eyebrow and looked at her sister suspiciously.

  “Oh, work, yeah, work. I was finding a file for Mac.” Saffron closed her eyes. “Now we’re having a coffee break before I begin sorting through invoices.” She recovered herself well. “How about you? I heard the boys outside playing, they sounded happy. Are you going to make the most of the time alone?”

  “I thought I might come and keep you company.” Nina looked at Saffron directly and the color heightened in Saffron’s cheeks.

  “Okay, let me just gulp this down and I’ll get back to work.” Saffron blew on her coffee and glanced up at Mac who widened his eyes. He had the same idea, they were busted.

  “Or we could take our coffee to the office,” Mac suggested. “It would be good to get all caught up on work.”

  “Sure.” Saffron got up from the table and grabbed both her coffee cup and Nina’s. Nina got up stiffly with her hand on the back of her chair to brace herself as she got to her feet.

  “Thanks for the coffee and chat,” Nina said to the other women at the table.

  “It was good to talk.” Sue placed her hand over Nina’s and smiled up at her. “Anything you need, anytime, just ask.”

  “Thanks.” Nina leaned down and hugged Sue. “Your boys are lucky to have a mom like you.”

  “And your boys are lucky to have a mom like you, Nina. Don’t ever lose sight of that.” Sue patted Nina’s back. “Take care of yourself.”

  “I will.” Nina broke away from Sue and followed Saffron toward the kitchen door. Her eyes seemed to burn into the flesh on Saffron’s back. “So, do you want to tell me what is going on?” They had barely reached the end of the backyard before Nina spoke.

  Saffron was not going to insult her sister by denying there was nothing to tell. “We should go to the office. You might want to sit down.”

  “That bad?” Nina asked quietly.

  “No, it’s not that bad,” Saffron said quickly. “It’s just not—normal.”

  “Does this mean I shouldn’t be pissed at you for taking my phone off the table right in front of me?” Nina asked as they crossed to Mac’s office.

  “It was my idea,” Mac tried to come to Saffron’s defense.

  “I guessed the two of you were in this together,” Nina replied.

  Mac went on ahead and opened the office door. The two sisters entered the small room and Saffron placed the coffee cups down on the desk. With a sigh, Saffron t
urned around and faced Nina.

  “Kelos has offered to fly to the place where Evan had his accident and try to locate him.” Saffron reached out as Nina’s knees buckled. “Sorry.”

  “No, don’t be.” Nina put her hand to her mouth as if she were going to be sick. “That’s just not what I was expecting.”

  “Why would you? Since we only just found out dragons are real and everything.” Saffron helped Nina to a chair. “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to get your hopes up.”

  Nina looked up at her sister. “You didn’t tell me because you knew I would insist on coming with you.”

  Saffron pressed her lips together. “It was a combination of things.” Saffron perched on the edge of the desk. “You looked so happy yesterday, as if you had finally turned a corner and were starting to feel better. I didn’t want this to take you a step back. Or more.”

  “You didn’t want me to end up a pile of mush who couldn’t get out of bed or function in any way for my children.” Nina was being harsh on herself and Saffron hated the guilt and self-loathing she could read in her sister’s expression. “And I completely understand and agree.”

  “We thought we’d go take a look and if we found nothing then…” Saffron sobbed and covered her mouth. “I should have just told you. We never keep secrets from each other.”

  “Hey, this time you might have been right not to tell me.” She leaned forward and hugged Saffron. “But if there is any hope…”

  “We don’t know that there is,” Saffron admitted. “Our plan is to go to the area on the map where Evan was last seen. Kelos and Mac will try to sense any shifters in the area.” She was not going to mention anything about them landing and trying to locate Evan’s dead body.

  “I’ll come with you.” Nina’s tone said this wasn’t open for negotiation, but Saffron was going to ignore her sister.

  “I don’t want to lose you.” Saffron wiped away her tears. “It’s going to be cold. You are going to need to hang on tight to Kelos.”