Return to Bear Bluff Complete Series Page 15
“That must have been incredibly tough.”
“It was. I held down a small job while I was still at school. But I had to resort to being a little creative with money sometimes. I’m not proud, but I did what I had to.” He rubbed his finger across his lips. “Then Declan caught me. He was a young sheriff; luckily, he didn’t feel as if he had something to prove. So instead of charging me, he got us help, from the shifter community here in Bear Bluff. And he got me a job, out of town, so things would simmer down. It worked. I worked, and sent as much money as I could back to my mom.”
“And you’re scared what’s going to happen to your family. Because of us?”
“I never expected to meet you. Not yet. I’m paying for my sister Ginny to go through college. Then I said I’d help the others too.”
“That’s OK.” She placed her hand on his thigh. “I have the cabin; we have a home. I have my job. We can live off my wage.”
“What about when we have kids?” he asked.
“Children can wait. I’m in no rush.” She smiled. “Unless you are very virile and I’m already pregnant.”
“Are you sure? Because that goes against everything in my nature. Settle down and have kids. That’s what a bear longs for.”
“Well, I’m not a bear. And you will have to learn some self-control.”
She had turned on to the track leading up to his house. The edges of the grass were well trimmed, and as she approached, she was surprised to see the house had a fresh coat of paint and the garden looked immaculate. It was lovely.
“This is my home. We can go around the back. My dad is most likely sitting enjoying the afternoon sun.” Jed got out of the car and waited for Amanda, who had a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach. This family was tight-knit and supportive, something she had no experience with. They had stuck together through bad times and come out stronger.
“What if they don’t like me?” she asked.
“How can they not? You are my mate and you make me happy. That’s all that matters.” He pulled her to him and kissed her, making her feel at ease.
Taking her hand, he led her around the back of the house. “We thought we heard the car,” a woman’s voice said.
“Mom. This is Amanda,” Jed said, introducing a pretty woman who had deep lines etched into her face. The years of worry had taken their toll, but her eyes flashed with happiness and humor.
“Hello, Amanda. Thanks for coming over, I know it must be a little nerve-wracking to have to meet us all.”
“No,” Amanda lied, and was pulled into a friendly hug by Jed’s mom.
“It’s OK, I know how scary things can be. Now, call me Eloise, and this is Kenny, Jed’s dad.”
“Good too meet you,” Kenny said, his voice slow, but kind.
“It’s good to meet you, Kenny.” Amanda bent down and carefully hugged the man in the wheelchair.
“We were having a cup of tea. Do you want one?” Eloise asked, going into the house.
“Yes, please.” Amanda said. “Shall I help you?”
“No. I’ll be two seconds.” Sure enough, Eloise appeared with two cups of tea, and a plate of cookies. While they talked, she disappeared into the house occasionally to check on dinner, until finally she called them in to eat.
As Amanda sat down, the smell of the food assailed her senses, and she smiled at Eloise. “I think you’re going to have to give me cooking lessons.”
“Ahh, it’s surprising what you learn to rustle up with few ingredients and only fresh herbs as seasoning.”
“Yes, I’d dread to think what we’ve eaten over the years,” a young girl said, sliding into a seat across the table. “Hi, I’m Kes.”
“Ahh, fashion advice,” Amanda said, pointing at Kes and smiling.
“He told you?” Kes asked, grinning at Jed. “I’m sorry you’ve ended up with my brother, who was born with no fashion sense.”
“Oh, I think his big muscles make up for it.” Amanda laughed.
“Thank you, Amanda. Kes has never shown any appreciation for how hard it is to fit clothes on this body.”
Kes pulled a face as Jed grinned at her. “You’re just lucky you’ve got the mating bond as a fallback, because no woman would want you otherwise.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Amanda wasn’t sure where the conversation was going.
“Wait until you’ve lived with him. Towels all over the bathroom floor. Snoring.” Kes looked at Jed and grinned. “She’ll be returning him before the first week is up.”
“I know you’re going to miss me, Kes, but Amanda finds me irresistible.” Jed laughed as Kes poked her tongue out.
Amanda ate her food, enjoying every mouthful while she learned, through the friendly banter around the table, just how much this family loved each other. Another girl, Darla, came to join them, Eloise quickly producing another plate of golden-battered fish and plump chips.
One day, Amanda hoped they would accept her and she would feel part of them, instead of a voyeur, looking in.
Chapter Twelve – Jed
“They like you,” Jed said. They were doing the dishes, even though Eloise had tried to insist Amanda shouldn’t, since she was a guest.
“I like them,” Amanda said, her voice earnest. “I’m not used to a big family.”
“Do you have any siblings?” Jed asked.
“No. I’m an only child,” she said. “At first it was just me and my mom, and my grandma was around a lot. My real grandpa had passed away and my dad… well, I don’t really know who he is. So being alone never really bothered me until my mom remarried.”
“I’m sorry,” Jed said. “So you had no real father figure?”
“No. Not until I was twelve. Then my mom remarried, and I was like the thorn in my stepdad’s side. He wanted my mom to himself.”
“That must have been tough,” Jed said, putting the plates away.
“It was. I spent a lot of time in my room. Those were the days when I wished I had someone to share the long evenings with. A brother or a sister.” She rinsed off the cutlery and set them down on the drainer.
“And the person who broke your heart?” he asked.
“Mason. He met me in the jewelers where I worked. Came in for a ring to be resized, and I fell for him. I was such a sap.” Amanda washed the last of the dishes and then dried her hands. “He conned me. I was a fool.”
Jed sensed it was more than that, but before he could ask, Liam came into the kitchen. “I’m starving. Tulliver knows how to work a man.”
“You’re not a man, you’re a boy,” Jed said playfully, ruffling Liam’s hair. “This is my younger brother, Liam.”
“Hey, Liam,” Amanda said, with a wave.
“Hi. Amanda, right?” Liam said, stuffing food into his mouth.
“There’s leftovers from last night for you to warm up, Liam,” Eloise said, coming into the kitchen and giving Liam a hug. “Did you thank Mr. Tulliver for the potatoes?”
“I did. Although when he knew they were for Jed, he nearly asked for them back.”
Eloise laughed. “It’s a good job the old man doesn’t bear a grudge.”
“I stole some vegetables from the Tullivers in my younger days,” Jed admitted. “OK, I think we’re done, so I am going to take Amanda home.”
“She can drive herself,” Liam said. “Her car is out front.”
“Liam,” Eloise warned. “It was good to meet you, Amanda, and don’t be a stranger. And if you want those cooking lessons, then just ask.”
“Thank you,” Amanda said, kissing Eloise on the cheek.
“Come on,” Jed took her hand and pulled her towards the door. “We can go and say goodbye to dad, while Mom feeds Liam.”
“Bye,” Amanda said to Eloise and Liam, and followed Jed into the living room, where Kenny was watching the news channel.
“Are you leaving so soon?” Kenny asked.
“Yes, Dad. We both have a long day at work tomorrow.”
“How is Dylan treating you?
” Kenny asked Jed.
“Can’t complain, work’s hard, but he’s a fair man,” Jed answered.
“You work hard and you’ll have a job for life there, Jed. You too, Amanda. At least until you have children,” Kenny said.
“We’re not in any rush, Dad,” Jed said.
“Makes a family complete,” Kenny insisted.
“We have plenty of time,” Jed replied.
“That’s what I thought.” He lifted his right leg with his left hand and let it drop back down. “You never know what the future holds.” He looked up at Jed and then across to Amanda. “Ahh, don’t listen to me. You have your own lives. Now go and live them.” He ushered them out with his left hand. “Have fun.”
“We will,” Jed said.
“Goodbye,” Amanda called as he pulled her out of the room. They went out the back door, and raced across the yard to her car.
“Now you’ve met my family,” he said apologetically. He loved them to pieces, but they didn’t exactly cast him in a mature role. “They get better with age.”
“You’re lucky to have them; you all love each other.” She came up to him and lifted her face to his. “It casts you in a much softer light too. When I first met you, you looked like such a bad-boy bear, when really you are a soft little pussy cat.”
“A pussy cat?” He pulled her close and nipped her neck, his teeth grazing her ear, and he moved to claim her mouth. “There is nothing soft, or little about me.”
Damn, he wanted to take her now. But he couldn’t. “Get in the car. I want to take you home.”
“And what do you plan on doing when we get there, Mr. Big Bad Bear?”
“I am going to undress you, and then I’m going lay you on the bed and kiss you, here.” His hand slipped down between them and his fingers stroked her clit, before pushing back to press against her sex.
She cleared her throat and stood up, pushing him away. “Let’s hope I can drive us home.”
“Have I turned you on, Amanda?” he asked seductively.
“It’s like your superpower,” she said, and walked unsteadily around to the driver’s side. He watched every step she took, smiling to himself. She made him feel like a superhero, like he could conquer the world, and as he slipped in beside her, he was sure he could work out how to look after his family and have money spare to look after Amanda, and their children.
Because he sure as hell wanted to put a child in her belly.
Chapter Thirteen – Amanda
It was dark. She had to keep a level head as she drove back along the narrow roads to her lonely little cabin. Not that she was lonely anymore; she had Jed by her side, and a bed at home just waiting for them. Before she came out this morning, she had changed the sheets, not that she had expected him to come back with her, and make love to her again.
But a girl could hope, couldn’t she?
“Tell me what you’re thinking?” he asked from the darkness of the passenger side of her car.
“I’m thinking that your mom is a wonderful cook.”
“Liar,” he said silkily.
“So tell me what you are thinking.”
“You already know,” he said, his hand sliding onto her thigh and making her jump as she turned into the track that led up to the cabin. Never had the dirt road seemed so long.
“I am thinking that if you aren’t careful, you are going to make me run off the road,” she said, adjusting herself in her seat as his hand crept higher.
“Nearly there,” he said, squeezing her flesh, leaving his meaning ambiguous. Did he have any idea how wet he was making her? Of course he did.
She parked the car, and reached to undo her seat belt, but he grabbed her hand, and pinned her back in her seat, his mouth on hers. “I want to taste you first.”
He kissed her, his hands roaming her body, somehow touching her breasts, her thighs, and her neck all at the same time. Caressing her, soothing her as she moaned against his mouth. When they parted she was gasping for air. Talk about kissing her senseless.
Dazed, she got her seatbelt off and then opened the car door to stagger out. But he was there, scooping her up in his arms and kicking the car door shut behind her; then he strode to the cabin. All Amanda could think was how unfair it was that he seemed to be totally in control, when she felt as if she had been launched into space to float amongst the stars.
The cabin door creaked on its hinges, as he shouldered it open. Carefully he carried her inside, closing the door behind them, and without hesitating took her upstairs to her bedroom. There he placed her on the bed. Standing up straight, trying to avoid banging his head on the eaves, he quickly stripped off his clothes. She wanted to watch, but she also wanted to be naked, skin against skin with her man. She slipped out of her work clothes, first of all wriggling out of her pants and then removing the white blouse, laying it carefully on the chair in front of her dressing table.
Swift stolen glances at Jed saw him watching her, his cock erect in front of him, evidence of his arousal. But he had made a promise, and when she took off her bra, he came to her, pushing her back on the bed, his fingers going to the elastic of her panties, pulling them down and casting them aside.
Positioning her on the edge of the bed, he knelt on the floor, easing her thighs open, and drawing his fingers along the length of her sex. The sensation was incredible when he pushed two fingers inside her, watching her reaction. She closed her eyes, arching her back, offering herself to him. When his mouth covered her clit, and he flicked his tongue over it, her eyes flew back open, and she strained to watch what he was doing to her.
His tongue tortured her clit, flicking over it, lapping at her, while he fingered her slowly, her breathing labored as she fought to keep control. She needed to come, but she didn’t want this to end, she wanted to lie here forever, while he gave her more pleasure than she thought possible.
Waiting was impossible, he took her to the edge of oblivion and left her hanging there for an endless moment, his breath caressing her flesh, and then he sent her over the edge, his mouth and fingers working in unison to drive her climax to greater heights than she thought possible.
Before her orgasm had subsided, he moved, climbing up the bed, hovering over her, and then entering her in one swift movement to impale her on his cock. She cried out, the invasion sudden, the fullness welcome. She craved him to take her, this time to claim her in the most primal way.
Jed slipped his hand under her bottom and pinned her in place, pulling out and then thrusting forward over and over. Amanda kissed his chest, hands stroking his arms, his back, her legs wrapped around him, urging him on. Jed rose to the challenge: he was right, his stamina was incredible. When she came the first time, she expected him to follow, but he stilled, gaining control, before taking her to new heights again.
After her second orgasm, he drove her towards the next, his thrusts becoming more urgent, his lips hot on hers. With a shuddering groan he gave into the need to fill her with his seed, jerking into her until he was spent. Slow flexes of his hips moved him gently in and out of her, until his arousal was gone, and he pulled out of her, to lie down by her side.
“That was incredible,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.
She turned to face him, stroking his damp hair back from his face, and kissed his lips. “You are incredible.”
He returned her kiss, pulling her close. “I love you, Amanda.”
“I love you too,” she said, and they lay in silence until sleep claimed them both.
She got up early and showered, listening to Jed downstairs making breakfast. When she was dressed, she went into the kitchen and said, “Is my cooking that bad, you are taking over in the kitchen?”
“I learned from an expert. Although my mom is fiercely protective of her kitchen, and always likes to cook herself.”
Amanda sat down at the old wooden table that was her grandma’s; it had been scrubbed smooth, and she loved to run her hands across it and think of all the
meals that had been eaten here. Although this morning she kept conjuring up images of the first time they had made love. Pushing those thoughts away, she said, “I thought about remodeling this kitchen. But I can’t bear to change it.”
“We can update it without changing too much,” he said. “It all needs a bit of TLC, a few screws here and there to straighten the doors. Maybe new handles.” He began to dish up the food, making her mouth water. The breakfast he had made was wonderful: the eggs were cooked just right, whereas when Amanda made eggs they turned out either too hard or too runny. Crispy bacon added a wonderful flavor, and tomatoes and mushrooms were delicious.
“I like the idea of that,” she said. “I’ve tried to keep as many of the original features as I could.”
“Like a creaky door?” he asked.
“Like a creaky door.” She laughed, sipping her coffee. This was happiness. Two people in love sharing breakfast.
A simple life, that was all she craved, and now she had it.
Chapter Fourteen – Jed
“Morning,” Jed said cheerfully as he went into Dylan’s office.
“Morning. Good, you’re here. We have to swing by the hardware store, collect more nails, and then get to work. The house is really taking shape, and I have someone coming to look at it tomorrow.”
“It’s nowhere near finished,” Jed said.
“Ah, but between the plans and the work we’ve already done, anyone with half an imagination can see what it’s going to look like. And the view of the mountain sells it.” Dylan grabbed his jacket. “If you go and load the truck up, I’ll be there in no time.”
Jed went out to say goodbye to Amanda, who was sorting through the mail. “I’ll see you later. Maybe we could go for a walk over the mountains,” he said.
She didn’t answer; instead, she stared intently at an envelope, turning it over and looking at it closely before looking at the address again.
“Amanda? Is everything OK?” he asked, placing his hands on the desk and leaning towards her. “Hey, you look pale.”